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 Are our bodies just survival machines? (9)

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davedebate(29) pic

Are our bodies just survival machines?

For some reason when we are born into this world there seems to be a feeling of inate significance towards oneself. The Idea that it is just the replication and survival of our genes that matter gives me the feeling that I have been 'used' by evolution and what I feel, see, taste, smell and hear doesnt really matter just as long as our genes survive at the end of the day.

Are we just survival machines ensuring our genes are passed on from generation to generation? or is there more to it than that...

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3 points

I prefer to think of our bodies more as 'Time Machines' as they encapsulate decades (hopefully!) of memories, feelings and experiences. We can use our beings for doing much good for the sake of humanity that will far surpass the life use of our physical body. It all depends on how you choose to use the time allotted; no'body' but you can em'body' what you make of your time in this life. There's so much more to offer than just mere cell reproduction, IMO.

1 point

You really nailed it there. Couldn't have been said better, props to you.

2 points

No our bodies aren't survival machines, we don't live a long time. At anytime some one could die and or have a serious sickness that leads to death.

We came from dust and we go back to the dust in the grave and our future is in eternity.

1 point

Exactly, the purpose of life is waiting to die. You might as well make yourself prepared for death.

1 point

Yep because at any time you could die that is why you do need to be prepared.

1 point

Nope, we live, we die! Not survival, if anything the opposite! If you look at other animals, they have fur, keeps them warm, claws, nails, teeth, muscle. We don't have much in these characteristics! Only our brain!

1 point

Your description makes me think of a less cynical "Matrix" movie world. I would say that we (our bodies) are not about the survival of the genes, but rather that genes exist to introduce diversity and allow for the "loss" of unfavorable characteristics and the "preservation" of favorable characteristics for the entire human population.


If you look at a plant, you might say the plant exists to carry the genes forward for survival of the species.

1 point

Our bodies? Yes. All they basically do is just keep on kicking until they no longer can. Does that mean there is nothing greater?

Intrinsically, yes, that is what it means.

But we also have minds, emotions, creativity.

We can make our own meaning. As a society we can aim for something more. And we can allow ourselves to forget that it is all just a delusion.

I don't think so. We are all individuals with independent minds. We all have emotional feelings.