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 Best baby name for a boy...... (7)

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beanbag(157) pic

Best baby name for a boy......

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Joe is a nice name. Seph would make a good middle name.

Wait, are you trying to tell us something? Long distance relationship, a baby name for a boy? Did you get someone pregnant?

I saw another star today, Jason Lee, who named his first son Pilot Inspektor. He's now looking for a swell name for his baby girl...yikes I just can't wait for this one!

I don't know what the "best" name is for a baby boy but if he were mine, I think I'd choose something like Christophe or Shane but it would depend on the other given names and his surname.

Side: Different but not insane
2 points

Norm is a great name. Just like the guy from Cheers, everyone loved Norm.

Side: Norm

And everybody knew his name.

Side: Norm
1 point

If it is your dog, I would say seth or seph like joe said. I like that name.

Side: Is this a Beagul Mix Again
1 point

Maximus...or maybe Dexter...

Side: Is this a Beagul Mix Again
1 point

William or Samuel if you are Christian if not Anthony or Eragon or Roran and I know these are from books but try to experiment with made-up names

Side: Great names