
Debate Info

Oh yes, Oh God YES! Hell no
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 Oh yes, Oh God YES! (4)
 Hell no (4)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Can Someone be Really Smart, but So, So, So Dumb at the Same Time?

Oh yes, Oh God YES!

Side Score: 4

Hell no

Side Score: 5

I can think of 10 people on CD who fit that description.

Actually on second thought, most of them are just dumb.

Side: Oh yes, Oh God YES!

That’s true...............................................................................

Side: Oh yes, Oh God YES!
1 point

I'm pretty sure those ten people include you, American_boy.

Side: Hell no
1 point

Can Someone be Really Smart, but So, So, So Dumb at the Same Time?

Yes, absolutely. Generally, there are about 3 general groupings with 2 components each for which people fall into, when considering overall 'intelligence'.


-'Dumb' & Low IQ

-'Smart' & Low IQ


-'Dumb' & Moderate IQ

-'Smart' & Moderate IQ


-'Dumb' & High IQ

-'Smart' & High IQ

Side: Oh yes, Oh God YES!

Very certainly. For example, anyone who has a PhD is relatively smart, yes. However, most people here can probably think of someone who has a PhD that they consider dumb. If you have extreme beliefs on politics or religion, you would probably conclude that the person who thinks the opposite way would be dumb, even though that person might have a PhD in a certain field.

Side: Oh yes, Oh God YES!
2 points

Obama was dumb and really really oh so dumb at the same time so anything is possible.

Side: Hell no
0 points

They are smart in their eyes only.

The Left is made up of hypocritical phonies who claim to be tolerant and inclusive while supporting the killing of late term special needs babies for merely being diverse.

You can't make this stuff up. The Left is made up of truly stupid people who lack the discernment to see their own hypocrisy.

I mean COME ON! These hypocrites hold midnight vigils to save the life of a mass murderer, while marching to keep No Restriction abortions of viable babies legal.

Side: Hell no