
Debate Info

Canada is the safest country Canada isn't as safe as others
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:25
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 Canada is the safest country (14)
 Canada isn't as safe as others (10)

Debate Creator

JontheCamel(18) pic

Canada is the safest country in the world

I think that Canada is by far the safest Country in the world. We currently have no Wars or fights, except for the big city gang fights that most countries have.


Please argue my point, I have not provided much evidence to my argument as I want to debate this.

Canada is the safest country

Side Score: 14

Canada isn't as safe as others

Side Score: 11
1 point


Safe is a relative term just like risk assessment

There are safe places everywhere but the question is what does your definition of safety mean? Less guns, crime, murders, domestic violence, assault, social instability, poverty, suicide, homelessness, motor vehicle accidents, industrial incidents, acts of terrorism, ........?.

Side: Canada is the safest country
JontheCamel(18) Clarified
1 point

What I mean is how many people die or are seriously injured in a way that is not accidental or self-done. For example, murder or terrorism.

Side: Canada is the safest country
1 point

Also, when I say Northern Canada I mean the northern half.

Side: Canada is the safest country
1 point

Come on people, just think about how safe Canada is compared to places like Mexico, or even the USA. in Mexico, there are the drug gangs, and in the U.S. there are all the big-city turf wars, but Canada has none or at least much less of all that.

Side: Canada is the safest country
1 point

I agree with generic

Go online to "Top 10 safest countries in the world 2014-2015"

You will find that Canada is 7th on the list after Iceland/Taiwan/Denmark/Austria/New Zealand and Georgia

Side: Canada is the safest country
JontheCamel(18) Disputed
1 point

Yes, but think about the amount of people Canada has. For the population in Canada I would say it's pretty darn safe.

Side: Canada isn't as safe as others

I agree. Canada also has universal healthcare in which the United States should have implemented. There is hardly any gun violence in Canada.

Side: Canada is the safest country
1 point

That is very possible. I've been to every Province except Yukon and Saskatchewan, most several times. Never felt I needed protection .... except maybe from some women.

Side: Canada is the safest country
2 points

It has big city gangs :)

Side: Canada isn't as safe as others
JontheCamel(18) Clarified
1 point

I know, I said that, but it has much less of those gangs than other countries, say Mexico.

Side: Canada is the safest country

According to the Global Peace Index, Iceland is the least violent country in the world (which seems to be what you were referring to by safest), followed by Denmark and Austria.

Side: Canada isn't as safe as others
JontheCamel(18) Disputed
1 point

Well that makes sense, considering the population that Iceland has. But if you compare the amount of people in Canada to the amount of violence and just general safety issues, Canada is very safe.

Side: Canada is the safest country

I don't disagree in any way that Canada is extremely safe. When I was looking at lists of the safest countries in the world, Canada was always in the top 10, just not generally in the top 3.

Side: Canada is the safest country
1 point

Can't you freeze to death in the Northern half of the country? Safe from people isn't so great when you are a popsicle.

Side: Canada isn't as safe as others
Astac(242) Disputed
1 point

You can freeze to death in the Northern half of America in the winter

Side: Canada is the safest country
1 point

My argument was a joke.

I was referring to the fact that if go far enough North the population drops because it is so cold year round.

Side: Canada is the safest country
JontheCamel(18) Disputed
1 point

You can, but only if you are stupid enough to go out without clothes on for extended periods of time, which hardly ever happens. I should know, as I live in Northern Canada.

Side: Canada is the safest country
1 point

Well, statistically, that is false.

It is also involved in wars as Canada generally follows the US into wars.

Side: Canada isn't as safe as others
JontheCamel(18) Disputed
1 point

No, what I meant is that if you are a resident in Canada, for example I live in a small town of 1000 people in northern Ontario,

it is very safe and there is no fighting actually taking place in Canada.

Side: Canada is the safest country
flewk(1193) Disputed
1 point

Then you should have made the debate title "My town is the safest town in the world."

Side: Canada isn't as safe as others
1 point

Yes We Can make Canada as dangerous as America! Just make Obama your next Prime Minister and see what happens when the 'shadow people' come out to play!:))

Side: Canada isn't as safe as others
JontheCamel(18) Disputed
1 point

What are you talking about? You should try living in Canada and see how you like having Stephen Harper for Prime Minister. Obama is wayyyy better than Stephen Harper. Having him for Prime Minister is something we Canadians can only dream of.

Side: Canada is the safest country
RavenLily(733) Disputed
1 point

OMG What are YOU talking about?!?! I guess you're a glutton for punishment or something because Obama has been the weakest President ever and has burdened legal U.S. citizens with paying for his proposed amnesty for those who broke our laws, sneaking over our borders and providing them with healthcare and other entitlements. Maybe that's the Canadian way, and if so, you are more than welcome to him!

Side: Canada isn't as safe as others
1 point

Well, it isn't the first

but I'm sure it is a one of the greatest countries ^^ I want to travel there badly.

Side: Canada isn't as safe as others