
Debate Info

Yes to 35 Yes to 55
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:11
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 Yes to 35 (2)
 Yes to 55 (5)

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Bronto(2002) pic

Change required age to become President? Yes or no?

Yes to 35

Side Score: 3

Yes to 55

Side Score: 5
1 point

We NEED someone with experience and maturity. Few at 35 have that, any younger and forget it!

Older people like Trump who have had a life of doing and thinking whatever they want, fuck anyone else, don't have any USEFUL experience either. It's more apparent every day that he BOUGHT his degree. We ended up with an uneducated, inexperienced, spoiled brat that about 63,000,000 voters recognized. Obviously even MORE than that recognized this, but, had been convinced by Putin's internet, FAUX News and other RW propaganda that the "other choice" was worse. It takes maturity to be President, not age. But you don't get that in less than 35 years … sometimes, even, in more than 70.

Side: Yes to 35
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

We NEED someone with experience and maturity. Few at 35 have that, any younger and forget it!

Older people like Trump who have had a life of doing and thinking whatever they want, fuck anyone else, don't have any USEFUL experience either. It's more apparent every day that he BOUGHT his degree. We ended up with an uneducated, inexperienced, spoiled brat that about 63,000,000 voters recognized. Obviously even MORE than that recognized this, but, had been convinced by Putin's internet, FAUX News and other RW propaganda that the "other choice" was worse. It takes maturity to be President, not age. But you don't get that in less than 35 years … sometimes, even, in more than 70.

The DUMB ASS AL again exposes itself as opposing the Right to Vote ! Why DUMMY does the Right to Vote upset you ??????????

Side: Yes to 55
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hey DUMMY how is it you and your party are going to convince all Americans to vote as you what them to vote ????????????????????

Side: Yes to 55
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Are you crying about Voter Suppression now you Fuckin Confused Fool ??????????

Side: Yes to 55
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Is Road Island AL looking for the Gurl Socialist from New York to be a Presidential Candidate ?????????

Side: Yes to 55
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Now Crazy AL says Putin owns the internet ???????? You are a DUMB ASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Yes to 55
1 point

















Side: Yes to 35
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