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Yes I agree. No I don't agree
Debate Score:154
Total Votes:199
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 Yes I agree. (47)
 No I don't agree (43)

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Roshaun(76) pic

Cyberbullying online has actually killed a lot of people

Yes I agree.

Side Score: 80

No I don't agree

Side Score: 74
4 points

A lot of people get bullied over their lifetime and after period of a long time some people might commit suicide.

Side: Yes I agree.
4 points

Yes it does. A speaker came to my school today and was talking about cyberbullying and it was a quite interesting too!

Side: Yes I agree.

And what did your speaker say Srom so we know what your full argument is.

Side: Yes I agree.
3 points

Well he said that cyber bullying isn't funny and that it kills people because people who bully the victims are cowards, and trolls who think its funny but its not and if someone commits suicide you could be charged with man slaughter.

Side: Yes I agree.
3 points

I agree as people suicided because of cyberbullying online.

Side: Yes I agree.
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
3 points

If that is the case. Then it's not the cyber bullying doing the killing. It's insecure people who should not be allowed access to the internet, where rude people do exist.

Side: No I don't agree
2 points

Yeah and people has died just because of cyberbullying on social media such as Amanda Todd

Side: Yes I agree.
Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

Wow! This turned into a powder keg of a debate! I suspect this is going to be a top rated topic! Well done!

Side: Yes I agree.
2 points

Yes, there's a wealth of data indicating that many young people are taking their lives in response to cyberbullying. I think part of the problem is that my generation doesn't really understand how cyber interactions have become the new norm. We still see face-to-face interactions and the norm and struggle to understand why anyone would get worked up over cyberbullying. But, in todays world, ones cyber identity has become their defacto real identity and cyber shaming via bully, with its potential to be more visible than face-to-face bullying, seems to amplify the shame some people feel.

Side: Yes I agree.
5 points

I guess this isn't really much of a dispute but this one part... I think part of the problem is that my generation doesn't really understand how cyber interactions have become the new norm... struggle to understand why anyone would get worked up over cyberbullying.

The problem is you're looking for logical reasoning. There is none. It's just plain stupidity, evolution in action. There is no reasoning to "understand" when some young person shoots himself in the face because he got pissed at something that happened to his character in Everquest. It's just poor parenting, lack of supervision, madness and stupidity.

Side: No I don't agree
Taqwacore(668) Disputed
1 point

It's just poor parenting, lack of supervision, madness and stupidity.

It sounds like you might be inclined to think that suicides related to cyberbullying are a result of petty issues and attention-seeking. That really isn't the case. We're not talking about bullying by anonymous people in distant locations. We're talking about the more damaging cyberbullying that occurs, lets say, when kids attending the same school or who might know one another socially IRL bully one another online in such a way that EVERYONE in that school is privy to the bullying.

And exactly how closely should an adolescent (e.g. 16y.o.) be supervised. I agree they should still have some level of supervision; but it should be minimal. Adolescent development indicates that this is a period where some independence is a necessarily milestone.

You're giving the bully a free pass and putting the blame on the victim and the parents.

Side: Yes I agree.
2 points

Online presence has become an extension of our identity. The consequence is that our identity through childhood is stored for all time. Cyberbullying includes cyberstalking and slander such that it impacts the perception of online identity. Since the damage appears irreparable because of the relative permanence of information online, young individuals may despair.

Suicide is an act of despair.

Side: Yes I agree.
2 points

Cyberbullies can prey on anybody since on social media they can pretend to be anyone...

Side: Yes I agree.
1 point

I almost killed myself due to cyber bullying by conservative Christians.

Side: Yes I agree.
1 point

I almost killed myself due to cyber bullying by conservative Christians.

Side: Yes I agree.
Sitara(11075) Clarified
5 points

If you down vote without making a logical comment down voter, you are a coward. Probably a conservative Christian Republican.

Side: Yes I agree.

Sad, but the truth. There are some sick people who get their kicks from CyberBullying.

Side: Yes I agree.
Hellno(17724) Banned
6 points

Cars kill a lot more... so??? Should we ban cars?

Side: No I don't agree
3 points

It has made people kill themselves but I'm sure the number isn't that substantial.

Side: No I don't agree
1 point

The potential for kids to use the internet as a weapon for bulling is enormous. Estimating that more than 13 million children aged six to 17 were victims of cyber bullying, a poll also revealed that more than two million of those victims told no one about being attacked. One-third of all teens (ages 12-17) and one-sixth of children (ages 6-11) have had mean, threatening or embarrassing things said about them online. 10 percent of the teens and four percent of the younger children were threatened online with physical harm. 16 percent of the teens and preteens who were victims told no one about it. About half of children ages 6-11 told their parents. Only 30 percent of older kids told their parents. Preteens were as likely to receive harmful messages at school (45 percent) as at home (44 percent). Older children received 30 percent of harmful messages at school and 70 percent at home. 17 percent of preteens and seven percent of teens said they were worried about bullying as they start a new school year. 8 percent of those effected by cyber bullying try to commit suicide.

Side: Yes I agree.
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
0 points

The potential for kids to use the internet as a weapon for bulling is enormous.

How so, if I ever have an disagreement with a person online to the point where I feel I'm being attacked, I leave. I don't think I'd have that option if i was being mugged with a weapon of physical abuse.

Estimating that more than 13 million children aged six to 17 were victims of cyber bullying, a poll also revealed that more than two million of those victims told no one about being attacked.

Of those numbers, how many of them were killed by the bullying. I've been bullied, on this very site, I'm admitting it now. I feel no need to kill myself, if I did, I would not come back here, or I'd do something about getting the persecutor banned rather than leaving myself.

One-third of all teens (ages 12-17) and one-sixth of children (ages 6-11) have had mean, threatening or embarrassing things said about them online.

People are going to talk trash that's inevitable. No one is doing any physical harm by saying "You're an idiot" or "Eat my ass". If those words offend you, don't read them.

10 percent of the teens and four percent of the younger children were threatened online with physical harm.

Physical harm? Now how, pray tell, would a person online cause a person across the globe physical harm?

8 percent of those effected by cyber bullying try to commit suicide.

Of all the facts, the outcome is this. A measly 8% of people not mature enough to take some internet comments in stride, and or leave them be. That's not substantial.

Side: No I don't agree
Mastersword(32) Disputed
0 points

The reason why people kill themselves is because they are being bullied. Cyberbulling is an extension of bullying, but more people have acess to the internet, so it can kill a wider amount of people than regular bullying

Side: Yes I agree.
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
0 points

Well asides from me not counting them killing themselves as the direct fault of the cyber bullying, with all of the numbers that have been presented we have mostly decided that because it comes down to opinion that some believe it's not a large number others believe it may be.

Side: No I don't agree
Mastersword(32) Disputed
0 points

The reason why people kill themselves is because they are being bullied. Cyberbulling is an extension of bullying, but more people have acess to the internet, so it can kill a wider amount of people than regular bullying

Side: Yes I agree.
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
0 points


Side: No I don't agree
1 point

doubtful seeing as cyber-bullying is the easiest form of bullying to get away from.

Side: No I don't agree
1 point

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer a iaculis diam. Nam quam leo, pharetra et porttitor quis, gravida in turpis. Sed enim dolor, tincidunt vel risus id, mollis auctor neque. Integer ante enim, placerat et pulvinar sit amet, pellentesque a est. Mauris sollicitudin nibh ac mauris commodo vestibulum. Maecenas aliquet nisi quis mi egestas, ac molestie enim commodo. Aliquam accumsan urna et arcu aliquet, sit amet convallis justo cursus. Donec sollicitudin suscipit magna sed vulputate. Curabitur elementum mollis enim, sit amet fermentum dolor imperdiet a. Phasellus ultricies massa rhoncus augue pellentesque, a mollis tellus iaculis. Morbi fringilla odio et malesuada venenatis.

Side: No I don't agree

People kill people, and people kill themselves. Everyone should know better than to listen to someone over the internet .

Side: No I don't agree
0 points

Cyberbullying online has actually killed a lot of people

That is what I am disputing. Cyber bullying, the act of insulting, threatening, and or offending others online, has not literally killed anyone.

I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but when I see these comments "I've been cyber bullied" I think "Grow a spine".

It doesn't take rocket science level education to realize you can just leave a conversation.

Bullying in school, where you are threatened and the likelihood that the threat could be carried out is evident, is far different than being threatened online by a person you'll most likely never meet, in a situation you can leave at anytime by pressing the red x in the corner, the circle button on your monitor, or modem, etc. There are tons of ways to avoid being bullied online, so there is no reason it should be life threatening.

Side: No I don't agree

I'm inclined to agree, for the most part.

When they post stats like One-third of all teens (ages 12-17) and one-sixth of children (ages 6-11) have had mean, threatening or embarrassing things said about them online. I just think I'd be very fucking surprised if not 100% of kids ages 6-17 have had mean, threatening, or embarrassing things said about them in real life. The difference is when you're online you can a) have some degree of anonymity, depending on the situation, and b) literally leave anytime you want.

Maybe it's because I've been in my fair share of real fights, but when you're getting the shit kicked out of you by another group of kids - that's a problem. You're trapped. You're in real physical pain. You are also traumatized or shocked. When some kids are poking fun at you on, say,, either tell them to fuck off and ignore them or if you really can't handle it get off the goddamn website. Because this is all happening through a computer, there is no way in hell for you to actually be in any physical pain or danger unless you choose to hurt and endanger yourself.

I guess what I'm saying is kids these days need to embrace "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."

Bullying is a real problem.

Cyber-bulling is a mild irk that the media has blown way out of proportion.

Side: No I don't agree
3 points

I just think I'd be very fucking surprised if not 100% of kids ages 6-17 have had mean, threatening, or embarrassing things said about them in real life.

I completely agree with you there. I have been threatened and embarrassed in both real life, and online, it's unavoidable in real life, but at least online I have zero fears of it coming to fruition.

The difference is when you're online you can a) have some degree of anonymity, depending on the situation, and b) literally leave anytime you want.

Exactly. Living proof of this is Prodigee. His opinions are boisterous, uncalled, for, offensive, often rude, I could go on all day, yet he has nothing to worry about because no matter what anyone says to him they can't follow through, and if he ever gets bored with us, he can just leave.

Maybe it's because I've been in my fair share of real fights,

I didn't need to quote all of it, I read, and I also agree with this. I have been in real fights, lost some won some. Maybe these people that see cyber bullying as a major issue, that they claim takes lives, need to be put into real bullying situations to understand that there is a difference.

I guess what I'm saying is kids these days need to embrace "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me

I couldn't have put it better myself.

Cyber-bulling is a mild irk that the media has blown way out of proportion.


Side: No I don't agree
1 point

I don't think you are understanding the full effect of cyberbullying. You and Quocalimar both are still not understanding why it is "blown way out of proportion".

Side: Yes I agree.
2 points

Your argument is highly illogical. As I have said before. I am not sure you understand all the fundamentals of cyberbullying.

Side: Yes I agree.
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
4 points

Your argument is highly illogical.

My argument overall is that cyber bullying has not literally killed anyone, people kill themselves because they don't know how to handle it.

One of the points in my argument was that 8%, even if they are suicides and not actually kills, is not that large of a percent.

Another point I addressed is that cyber bullying, as opposed to real world bullying, can easily be avoided. One must simply log off. That is an exact quote, how is that illogical?

As I have said before. I am not sure you understand all the fundamentals of cyberbullying.

I don't think I do either. Tell me something about cyber bullying that is unavoidable. Something anyone that decided to log onto that site, can't leave by logging off.

Side: No I don't agree
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

You are so wrong. All forms of bullying are harmful, and that does not make the victim less than human. Go ahead and down vote this too since you down voted my other post.

Side: Yes I agree.
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
2 points

You are so wrong.

Prove it. With facts, not opinions please.

All forms of bullying are harmful,

I see any form of bullying, that can be easily escaped as not harmful. And eve if it's real or not, that doesn't mean it killed people.

Go ahead and down vote this too since you down voted my other post.

I don't waste my time with you, let alone stalking you to down vote your arguments, when it solves nothing.

Side: No I don't agree