
Debate Info

Dictatorship Democracy
Debate Score:81
Total Votes:91
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 Dictatorship (32)
 Democracy (26)

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TheEccentric(3381) pic

Dictatorship vs Democracy


Side Score: 45


Side Score: 36

We live in a mild dictatorship now, we may vote these parties into power but apart from that we have no influence over there decisions during that period of time in power, very rarely do we get given a referendum on issues were concerned about, and as soon as we stand up against the establishment were moved on like in parliamentary square! Democracy my arse!!

Side: Dictatorship
1 point

We live in a mild dictatorship now, we may vote these parties into power

That right there means you do not live in a dictatorship.

but apart from that we have no influence over there decisions during that period of time in power, very rarely do we get given a referendum on issues were concerned about,

The power to determine who is in control and the ability, albeit rarely, to pass referendums proves you are not in any form of a dictatorship.

Side: Democracy
minimurph83(194) Disputed
1 point

that's why I said we live in a 'mild' dictatorship, it maybe defined as a democracy but the potential to influence through your local representative is almost impossible and leaves you feeling your dictated to, the only opportunity you have to make yourself heard is in the general election which is once every 5 years. it may not be a dictatorship but its not an ideal democracy hence the dissolution with politics and lack of people willing to participate in the voting.

Side: Dictatorship
1 point

A dictatorship depends entirely on the dictator or ruling party and system of governance.

A democracy depends entirely on the majority opinion and system of governance.

Both are crap shoots. At least with a democracy, everyone shares a little of the blame.

Side: Dictatorship
WalterWhite(65) Disputed
1 point

In the single country on Earth that may be called a democracy it's working quite well, even though it could still be improved.

Side: Democracy
flewk(1193) Clarified
1 point

I have no idea what you are disputing with your point about a single democracy.

Side: Dictatorship
0 points

Many, many countries on earth can be called democracies.

Side: Dictatorship

Democracy has made countries weak. As leaders and/or parties only stay in charge for a few years they can't make much of a difference. It means that politicians don't make policies that they think will benefit the country but they think will make them popular with voters and therefore stay in power. Politicians no longer have the power to do anything. Democracy means tolerating groups that don't deserve to be tolerated. People need to be controlled more.

Side: Dictatorship
Atrag(5666) Disputed
3 points

Do you have any political opinion that isn't based on the fact that muslims beat you up?

Side: Democracy
1 point

Bitch, please, the fact that Britain is set to have a majority who are believers of something so unarguably evil is pretty important if you ask me.

Side: Dictatorship
1 point

I love how you value the right to worship a pedophile more than the right to love who you love. As a left winger you will always side with the foreigners.

Side: Dictatorship
flewk(1193) Disputed
1 point

Holy moly, that is some pessimistic view.

For every efficient dictatorship out there (China), there is probably at least 10 other crappy ones. There is no reason to believe the dictator you get can/will achieve the removal of Muslims from your country.

Also, you seem to misunderstand the purpose of democracy. Policies are supposed to reflect popular opinion.

Side: Democracy
0 points

In theory a dictatorship with a good leader would be ideal. But in reality having a good dictator would last one generation at best.

Side: Dictatorship
JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

"If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary."

Federalist 51

Side: Dictatorship
4 points

The Greek philosophers believed that the ultimate form of government would be a "benevolent dictatorship", but where are we going to find such incorruptible individuals.

Can we clone Elliot Ness.....?

So in the absence of the incorruptible I will put my vote for democracy as the overall most beneficent we have invented so far because if my memory serves me well so far dictators of history have all become malevolent self serving monsters.

Side: Democracy
3 points

"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." Churchill.

Side: Democracy
GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

Hey now, you gotta give the Bulldog credit where it's due.

Side: Dictatorship
1 point

:/ okay I've edited it.

Side: Democracy
2 points

The people have more rights with this option. .

Side: Democracy
3 points

That's not necessarily true, but that is what happens in practice, see DK's post. A dictator does not have to be bad, they just have all been like that in the past. With a Democracy you have to convince many people to exclude rights, and with a dictatorship only one needs to do it. But, it goes the other way as well.

Side: Democracy
Sitar(3680) Disputed
0 points

I disagree. A democracy has more freedom than a dictatorship. Look atr the Roman Empire. Look at Nazi Germany. Both regimes supressed human rights.

Side: Dictatorship
1 point

Dictatorship? Really? Go emigrate to North Korea for a couple of years before proposing such a nonsense.

Side: Democracy
0 points

That's different I don't want to live in a communist dictatorship I want to live in a right wing one.

Side: Dictatorship
WalterWhite(65) Disputed
1 point

So you would be quite comfortable raising your arm every time you come across somebody?

Side: Democracy