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 Did God create Islam ? (9)

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SebastianM(12) pic

Did God create Islam ?

Who created Islam ? Muhammad
Was Muhammad a true prophet of God ? no
Why is he not a prophet ? Because his life did not reflect to prophets before him and his message is different to the true prophets before him. 
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1 point

Quran 39.11-12 The first muslim was Muhammad he made islam or invented it, there's no historic record that Adam,Noah,Abraham,Jesus were muslims

1 point

Quran 29.27 disqualifies Muhammad as a prophet of God, The prophethood belongs only to the lineage of Issac , Jacob . Not to Ishmael.

1 point

It is so obvious that "God" and "Allah" are the same imaginary entity, with books of laws edited and published by MAN (men) to fit their own agenda. The flying spaghetti monster makes as much sense! Those with any meatballs will disregard the thick sauce thrown at them in book and scroll form and begin to feed humanity with more substantial intelligence.

1 point

prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mentioned by name in the old testament

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mentioned by name in the Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16:

"Hikko Mamittakim we kullo Muhammad Zehdoodeh wa Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem."

also, there is no defferent ideology between the other prophets and muhamed (pbuh). They all believe ther e is one go and should pray to him and do good on earth to get rewarded on the afterlife. this including prophet Jesus (pbuh) he had the same belief but people changed his words.

1 point

Psychotic narcissistic Shizophrenic Muhammah (pbuh) is a crazy maniac as were his predecessors Jesus and Moses and his imaginary friend was no realer than theirs.

To Muslims, yes. To everybody else, no.

This is a debate website, not a place for you to spout your opinions on Islam.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

These are just like the debates on Christianity. He hasn't done anything wrong.

1 point

They are just like some of the "debates" on Christianity. I'd like this to Saintnow's non-debates. I don't have any issue with an actual theological debate, but that clearly isn't what this is.