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RSS SebastianM

Reward Points:12
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10 most recent arguments.
0 points

Sorry, but your argument is still not strong, you claimed solar system came to existence without any intelligence behind its conception, therefore it's same as you deny that all creations have creators, like the physical objects around you, are they not created for a purpose ? The solar system, the earth and its complexity , are they not created for a purpose ?

If you could prove me that your cell phone, your car ,like the earth and solar system came to existence by accident I will believe you instantly!

1 point

These primitive nations were living in chaotic, they were offering their own children as sacrifices , do you think they were right ?

SebastianM(12) Clarified
1 point

Moses and the 10 commandments are not new! These are the first laws given to protect the Jews .

You mentioned Hammurabi code

Hammurabi claimed that his code of laws was authored by Marduk, the most important Babylonian god. He also claimed that Marduk required Hammurabi to rule in his name.

Hammurabi code is not really useful today, look for example the aspect of this law : Under the Code of Hammurabi, men had considerable power over their families. Babylonian men could sell their wives or children into slavery in order to pay off their debts. They could also disinherit a son if they chose to. These measures were extreme and required men to justify their actions in a court of law. Men who wanted to sell their family members or disinherit their wives or children had to prove that it was necessary and, especially in the case of disinheriting a child, evidence of bad behavior. This procedure gave women and their children some protection from a clearly patriarchal society.

Ridiculous law.

Now compare to the 10 commandments

1 point

This question is back on track, the order in the universe to make life suitable on earth must have been created by someone who knows better physics than human's VERY small knowledge, that they are still studying without understanding.

Could you please show me a single evidence that your cell phone , your car came by accident?

0 points

Sorry, your arguments are not strong enough to beat the facts that you deny. Please prove me with evidence ,that your cell phone came came suddenly by accident without a creator , I'm waiting for ages !!!!

1 point

The meme that the Earth had to be have been placed exactly where it was for life to exist simply does not have scientific backing, and is contradicted by the very nature of Earth's existence in relation to Sol

According to your argument,therefore other planets are also suitable for life ,because the distance has no importance, the scientific backing cannot explain why only earth has life and others have nothing.

Mercury, Venus ,Mars ,Jupiter, Saturn ,Uranus, Neptune

1 point

You do not have the evidence to claim it is impossible

If you were a reasonable person , with an open mind , you would agree that nothing came by accident. If your parents had never met, by combining their cells to form you , you would not be here to debate on internet .

It was impossible for your mom she gave birth to you without the sperm of your father, do you agree?

You are the result of the procreation, remember this : every creation has its creator


1 point

How is the solar system well organised?

Probably you had never studied the question.

If the distance between sun and earth was reduced, how would be the life on earth ? It's never too late to educate yourself a little bit more than yesterday :)

SebastianM(12) Clarified
1 point

We have evidence of possible natural explanations for the solar system and the galaxy to come about via natural processes.

Could you please state the evidence ?

The order among the planets , the galaxy , the solar system , must have been created by a superior intelligence, there's no doubt.

You still have not bring a single evidence how your house, your car, your cell phone etc came to existence naturally and by pure accident !

0 points

What you seem to think is evidence for your beliefs is incredibly low, ridiculously low compared to things you say we have no evidence for like air and electricity.

I don't know who are the "we" you are talking about ,many are not part of these ignorant who are "we".

I'm still looking at your evidence that evil spirits do not exist, I see nothing, just because you never experienced it, it doesn't mean they do not exist !!!!

Winning Position: Did God create Islam ?

About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Canada
Religion: Christian-other

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