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Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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Do People On This Site Have A Life

No matter what you pick you need to get a life. My wife needs me to comfort her manly penis so bye.


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 4
2 points

No, I don't... don't want one either.

Side: Yes
2 points

bye bye troll who has been here for 2 days.

Side: Yes
Side: Yes
1 point

We do have a life.

That life is CreateDebate.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes we have a life outside of CreateDebate. Right now I am currently at school after school I will do my homework and then do all the other fun stuff I like to after I do my homework.

Side: Yes

"My wife needs me to comfort her manly penis"

Your wife has a manly penis?!?! Kinky

Side: Yes
1 point

This side rules and go suck your wife's penis. I do not have a life because I am a vampire my life never ends which I don't have.

Side: Yes

I totally don't have a life, I'm a 52 year old, 350 lbs, bald man with no career who lives in his mom and dads basement unemployed, who spends all his free time arguing with people online while looking at porn constantly through out the day who always is drunk and high, flunked out of elementary school, with absolutely no friends, who has been single for 32 years, and still a virgin ;).

Side: Yes