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Without a doubt. Who said that?
Debate Score:139
Total Votes:377
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 Without a doubt. (37)
 Who said that? (46)

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Thewayitis(4063) pic

Do atheist have Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia  is a mental disorder characterized by a disintegration of thought processes and of emotional responsiveness.  It most commonly manifests as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction.

Without a doubt.

Side Score: 51

Who said that?

Side Score: 88
-12 points
Nautilus(629) Disputed
11 points

I can tell if the debate is created by Thewayitis before i even open it. I don't know why I keep arguing with you because clearly you cannot be effected by logic, facts or reasoning. Atheists are schizophrenics? I think not, the smartest minds in the world are atheists, meanwhile the most ignorant and bigoted minds in the world happen to belong to the religious, what a coincidence.

"A mental disorder characterized by a disintegration of thought processes..." Have you read their postings?

Have you read yours? Yeah the belief that an unfalsifiable bearded man in a nightgown created this ball of crap we call earth with the intentions of love and mercy...... yeah.

"It most commonly manifests as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking.." There are not any Christian's out to get you, it is all in your head.

Yeah because that's what atheists believe, that christians are out to get them. So when you pray, you are talking with an infallible deity who may or may not answer your prays to coincide with the actual future. If you believe your imaginary friend actually talks to you and loves you, that's definately not schizophrenia.

" Is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction." For social get to gathers they come to CD. The inability to work is clear, as much time as they spend here. One cannot be at work and here to. We just found those on unemployment.

Because all atheists are unemployed, you know all those scientists, biologists, physicists, paleontologists, chemists, they don't have jobs. And apparently you are on here, you are Christian, therefore all christians are unemployed, you see how you have lost the ability to reason.

Side: Who said that?
Billie(790) Disputed
1 point

the smartest minds in the world are atheists

It really does irritate me how atheist always claim this in a manner that suggests they actually believe it to be true. Dream on. So, you believe that Isaac Newton does not qualify for a smart mind? He was a Christian, and one of the smartest minds that ever lived. You are almost as bad as saurbaby - lets just hope you don't go back on your statment and accuse me of misreading it like she did. Both your statements are loud, clear and oozing with ignorance.

Side: Without a doubt.
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
-9 points
headphoneguy(3) Disputed
1 point

well one could say that schizophrenia is prevalent among all prophets they see things that aren't there the people who follow them are simply morons

Side: Who said that?
1 point

I was tempted to say something to the effect that whoever was seeing a burning bush talk, must have been suffering from a delusion or hallucination. Dehydration is known to produce such effects.

Side: Who said that?
4 points

I'm sure some probably are. I have no reason to believe schizophrenia is any more prevalent amongst atheists than any other group of people. Do you have any research to support this notion?

Side: Who said that?
2 points


Side: Who said that?
2 points

Since there is no absolute proof that god exists, and atheists tend to be more on the science proof, I think you're the one with Schizophrenia, and should get yourself checked out.

Side: Who said that?
2 points

Schizophrenia is caused due to severe background and past. Even genes play a role. Also inheritance. Anyone and anybody can be Schizophrenic. If your an Atheist and your Schizophrenic it's a co-incidence. Neither can dis-belief in God cause Schizophrenia nor can Schizophrenia be the reason you refuse to believe in God!

Side: Who said that?
1 point

God itself is a Pyschopath. Try educating yourself for once.

Side: Who said that?
2 points

God is an "it"? Furthermore, if you are atheist, then claiming something that in your eyes is non-existant to be a Psychopath shows that you do in fact believe in Him to be labelling Him as a Psychopath. Try educating yourself for once.

Side: Without a doubt.
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
-8 points
Nautilus(629) Disputed
2 points

Eriwgan did not say that God exists, simply that he is a fictional character who happens to exemplify the attributes of a psychopath. God's psychopathic nature is shown through his actions.

1 - Genesis 6:7 - God floods the earth

2 - Genesis 19:24 - Destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah

3 - Exodus 12:29 - Killed every innocent Egyptian firstborn

4 - Deuteronomy 3:22, Judges 20:18 - 21, 2Samuel 22:35, 1Chronicles 5:18-22 - God commands and assists in wars

5 - Leviticus 20:13 - Commands death to gays

6 - Exodus 22:18 - Commands death to witches

7 - Leviticus 25:44-46 - condones slavery

8 - Numbers 31: 1-54 - condones rape and pedophilia

9 - Genesis 3:16 - condones sexism

Side: Who said that?
1 point!? What would make anyone believe that? THat's a ridiculous thing to say.

Side: Who said that?
1 point

I am an atheist, free thinker and could be scholar and I have SchizoAffective disorder. Having S.A. doesn't make you into an atheist, nor does being religious at the same time. Being an atheist is a life choice. Its the choice of not believing in the unbelievable and listening to things like modern science, philosophy and other things.

To be honest, I have had the opportunity to know quite of few Christians, and Muslims that have mental issues. So I would say that it doesn't matter what personal beliefs you have, its the genes you were born with that matters the most.

Side: Who said that?