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Debate Score:184
Total Votes:194
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animedude639(1574) pic

Do athiests celebrate easter and christmas!

just curious!!!


Side Score: 17


Side Score: 167

I have never heard of an atheists celebrating Christmas and Easter if so good for them.

Side: No!!
TheHallow1(78) Disputed
8 points

Almost all non-religious celebrate the holidays. Just not for the reasons you do.

Side: YES!!
Nautilus(629) Disputed
6 points

Apparently you don't know many atheists then...............

Side: YES!!

I could have a friend that's atheist but didn't tell me they are because don't tell or nor I ask them because its not big deal.

Side: YES!!
alfie23(37) Disputed
1 point

Nautilus - I am an athiest and I celebrate Christmas and Easter. Jesus wasn't actually born in December, he was born in September but Christians moved it to December because that's a pagan holiday and they thought it would be easier for them to convert to Christianity if the holidays were on the same day.

Side: Yes!!
9 points

I celebrate Christmas as a time to get together with my family, give them presents, and generally appreciate the season as a time to be happy with the people I love.

I don't celebrate the 'birth of Jesus', or any of the events that Christmas is based on that are religious, as I am an Atheist.

Side: YES!!
7 points

Yes. Reason being is that the origins of both those holidays are not based in christianity so it's anybody's game.

Side: YES!!
7 points

I celebrate Easter and Christmas as the secular holidays they have become. I celebrate them because they are fun, I like presents and food, and they are a good reason to party. In fact the origin of Christmas is not the birth of Christ, December 25th i not a date given in the bible and the majority of biblical scholars put Jesus' birthday earlier in the year based on what little scriptural evidence there is. Celebrating birthday's was not something done by early Christians and there already existed a Pagan holiday known as Saturnalia, to celebrate Saturn, the God of the harvest, which started on December 17th and eventually was extended until December 25th. Christianity eventually used the false birthday of Christ as an excuse to celebrate a holiday already widely celebrated by Pagans. So I celebrate the holiday not to celebrate a false birthday, but to have fun. I celebrate it because I like celebrating things.

Side: YES!!
0 points

Yeah we celebrate cause the birth of jesus what kind of crap have you been talking about you dont know much about the history of christmas do you thats why they gave it the name christmas which means Christ-Mass!

Side: No!!
Nautilus(629) Disputed
7 points

Actually I do know much about the history of christmas and Christianity in general, that's how I know the facts above and that it's a stolen holiday, you are the one who knows nothing more than the date people have told you. Just because it is called holiday doesn't mean its Jesus' birthday. First off, that date is not given by the bible. Second, if I were to steal your car and paint "Nautilus' Car" on the side of it, what that pass as proof that it was indeed my car? Of course not, so when they Christians steal (incorporate actually) the holiday of the Pagans, and they called it Christmas to fit with their dogma, that is not proof for the date of Jesus' birthday.

Side: YES!!
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
7 points

Can you show us where in the Bible it says he was born Dec 25?

Side: YES!!
britt0018(43) Disputed
2 points

In essence, the Mass is the ceremonial slaying of Jesus Christ over and over again, followed by the eating of his flesh and the drinking of his blood. The Mass is the death sacrifice, and the "Host" is the victim. This is official Roman Catholic doctrine, and "Christmas" is a word that they invented.

Side: YES!!
alfie23(37) Disputed
1 point

Jesus was born in September, not December. There is plenty of evidence to support that. There is actually more evidence to support that Jesus wasn't even God's son.

Side: Yes!!
6 points

Indeed, the non-religious celebrate these holidays. Bare in mind that these holidays were not invented by christians.

Side: YES!!
0 points

Yes it was read christmas history and find out go online and find out some facts!

Side: No!!
TheChaos(28) Disputed
9 points

Here are the facts for you child:



Both holidays are of Pagan origin. Get over it.

Side: YES!!
6 points

I think a lot of Christians would be surprised to find the origins of Easter. The Holiday itself is older than Christianity, and therefore couldn't have originated from Christianity. Most sources point to a Mesopotamian or Germanic pagan origin.

Side: YES!!
10 points

It's a shame that they're ignorant of history among other things.

Side: YES!!
0 points

Seriously dude get your facts right go online right now and look up the history of easter and well see whos right and it didnt come from any of those they just stole them from the christian religion!

Side: No!!
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
7 points

Seriously dude get your facts right go online right now and look up the history of easter and well see whos right and it didnt come from any of those they just stole them from the christian religion!

The name Easter derives from the name of a Germanic fertility goddess Eostre. She was celebrated on the anglo-german calender month Eostur-mónaþ (translation: "easter month") which is the equivalent of April.

late 19th century scholar Charles Isaac Elton theorizes a connection between these customs and the worship of Ēostre. In his late 19th century study of the hare in folk custom and mythology, Charles J. Billson cites numerous incidents of folk custom involving the hare around the period of Easter in Northern Europe. Billson says that "whether there was a goddess named Eostre, or not, and whatever connection the hare may have had with the ritual of Saxon or British worship, there are good grounds for believing that the sacredness of this animal reaches back into an age still more remote, where it is probably a very important part of the great Spring Festival of the prehistoric inhabitants of this island."

Side: YES!!
6 points

We do because they're not christian holidays.


Side: YES!!
5 points

I'm agnostic and I celebrate Christmas... my entire family does and they would be rather disappointed if I didn't attend. I don't celebrate the birth of Jesus though.... just the secular stuff.... As for Easter, no.

Side: YES!!

Whats an agnostic is it like athieism or something!? (just curious)

Side: YES!!
5 points

Agnosticism the position that nothing can be known for certain about the existence or nature of a deity, whereas atheism is the disbelief or rejection of claims that deity or supernatural being exists due to lack of evidence.

Side: YES!!
3 points

An Agnostic is someone who believes that God's existence is unknowable either way.

Side: YES!!
2 points

Easter and Christmas are not even Christian holidays... in fact God frowns upon the celebration of these holidays. Jesus was born in the fall btw. Here is a very informative article...

"It's true. The Bible doesn't contain an explicit statement saying, "Thou shalt not celebrate Christmas, Easter, or Halloween." However, the Bible also does not have a specific text condemning the use of heroin or cocaine either. Yet most Bible believers would condemn drug abuse by (at some level) using the principle that since the Bible condemns drunkenness from alcohol, it also condemns getting high from drugs.

So, are there any texts that say it is WRONG to adapt pagan customs or borrow the ways of those who worship a false god and use them to worship the true God? These scriptures would, in principle, apply to holidays such as Christmas, Easter and Halloween that have most or all of their customs based in pre-Christian worship of false gods."

Supporting Evidence: What the bible says about Christmas (
Side: YES!!

Yes, they are hypocrites ;)

Side: YES!!

They give their kids presents on Christmas morning and they give their kids candy on Easter morning.

Side: Yes!!