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Helpful! That crap sucks.
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:24
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 Helpful! (11)
 That crap sucks. (5)

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8thequeen2(60) pic

Does coffee help you or hurt you??


Side Score: 15

That crap sucks.

Side Score: 9
2 points

I love coffee. I don't care if I die ten years younger than I should, no one will ever ruin those wonderful beverages for me. Stay away from my friggin coffee!

Besides, if I didn't have it, I'd probably turn to crack or something.

Side: Helpful!
1 point

Coffee is bad for your heart - but I haven't heard of anyone who died of drinking coffee.. so I'm gonna keep on drinking.

But it improves your energy (improves, not gives - if you don't have any energy, then there is nothing to improve)

If Heaven tastes like something - then it's coffee.

Coffee is delicious and I can't live without it. (I'm an addict)

Side: Helpful!
2 points

For me, the only bad part about coffee is how much I spend at the store buying it.

Side: Helpful!
1 point

Hahahahah :D

yeah, especially if you buy those delicious lattés at starbucks :P

Side: Helpful!
1 point

I would fall asleep in school without it.

Side: Helpful!
1 point

To me, coffee is great. It's one of my best stress-relievers. Seriously, if I may say so, it's also the best laxative for me in the morning. Haha, at least it encourages me to clear my digestive tract every morning.

If ever I go on my day without coffee, I would really feel that something is missing. It's not that I'm addicted to coffee since I don't really suffer from any symptom of withdrawal if I don't drink it for a while.

Side: Helpful!
5 points

If it's hot, and I spill it on myself, then yes, it hurts me.

Side: That crap sucks.
1 point

It hurts you because once you drink it you feel energized and then later you will crash. It also can cause dehydration. Instead of drinking coffee have an apple which is the same amount of caffeine but its good for you.

Side: That crap sucks.
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
3 points

Apples have no caffeine in them, none what so ever. Also the diuretic and laxative effects of caffeine can help rid the body of waste and toxins built up over the night.

Furthermore, the consumption of coffee in the morning before eating can cause fat cells to rupture, so, If you're trying to lose weight you could skip breakfast, have a coffee, go for a workout and have a readily available energy source swimming around in your blood.

If you have crashes after caffeine consumption it's because you've had loads of it and no food. Generally it's the sugar content of beverages that will cause crashes as your insulin levels spike. The reason why an apple can improve your energy levels is the high levels of fructose in them.

Coffee can also reduce cancer, diabetes, Parkinson's and gall stones.

Side: Helpful!
Serstlou(52) Disputed
1 point

I haven't crashed from coffee a single time yet. Crashes occur when you overdose on caffeine, and if it can cause dehydration... Drink more water? If you have coffee, you have water, right? And apples don't have any caffeine, but I've heard the argument before. It's said that apples provide the same amount of energy. From my understanding, coffee doesn't actually provide much energy at all, but rather helps your body to process it and speed things up, so you use your natural stores faster.

I vote for coffee AND apples.

Side: Helpful!
1 point

Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, other drugs - all on the same side. And it is not the good side.

If you use them then very rarely. If you use them very often then you are addicted.

Side: That crap sucks.
Serstlou(52) Disputed
1 point

I think I'm a freak of nature in the sense that I can drink coffee every day for a few months, then go without it for the same amount of time without any negative effects. Sure, I end up being tired earlier in the day, but I'm returning to my normal schedule without caffeine rather than going into a deficit. Besides, coffee doesn't have any seriously ill effects for most people, unless you're using it to completely regulate your metabolism with 3 cups a day and your body ends up depending on it to function.

Side: Helpful!

Have you ever spilled that shit on you?! It's like goddamn napalm, except it smells better.

No, in all seriousness I'm posting on this side because after working my way through 95% of the readily available drugs on this planet, often over-doing it and spending time addicted to several of them, caffeine is the one addiction I have been unable to kick. I really feel I can't preform as well without it, I get grumpy and have a hard time going through my day, and if I skip getting my fix within an allotted time I get massive, painful withdrawals. I smoke cigarettes regularly, for example, but I can drop and pick up that habit on a dime. Deny me caffeine for 24 hours and I'd all but murder someone for a fix.

Side: That crap sucks.
nummi(1424) Clarified
1 point

Once you get an addiction it is near-impossible to get rid of it. Many times they are replaced with something else, with something not as negative. I bet that's what happened to you - your addiction was swapped with another.

If you tried to get off of caffeine would that replace with something else?

It is all in your mind. Mostly, anyway.

Side: Helpful!

Ah, no, not usually. I've seen too many people get out of one addiction only to delve deeper into another to know that's not the way to go. Cold turkey quitting and a break from all substances is what I do to drop a habit.

I do usually work my way down a bit, first, though, to ween myself off. For example, energy drinks to soda to caffeinated tea and then to nothing at all.

Some drugs - well, LSD and mushrooms, mainly - offer up a different perspective and help me kick a habit, but they don't replace that habit with an addiction to LSD or mushrooms. More like I'm on an acid trip and entirely reevaluate why I smoke cigarettes and decide then and there to stop...

Side: That crap sucks.