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Debate Score:24
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JakeJ(3255) pic

Does the U.S. need immigration at this point?

I have been thinking about this. What are your thoughts?

Remember im asking do we need it at this point on, I know the U.S. is built upon it, but do we need immigration anymore?


Side Score: 21


Side Score: 3
2 points

I just think of it like this.

If we make instant citizenship for those who serve in the military, we would be able to take over China.

so... yes.

Side: yes
frenchieak(1132) Disputed
2 points

The US is not and has never really been imperialistic, and I don't think it ever should be. That's how the major European powers became weak- they were spread too thin over the world.

A large military for self defense and self preservation is a good idea, though.

Side: No
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
2 points

yes we were. how do you think we got Hawaii and most of the West side?

also, we annexed Cuba once. and there's Puerto Rico.

but i was kidding on the whole China thing.

Side: yes
HGrey87(750) Disputed
1 point

"The US is not and has never really been imperialistic... A large military for self defense and self preservation is a good idea, though."

This is the funniest thing I've read for a long time.

Side: yes
1 point

Frenchie...what has your comment to do with immigration?

Side: yes
2 points

yeah, I've been wondering when we're gonna start this policy. It would free up low-paying jobs and take care of those scaaaary Mexicans Washington is so afraid of.

Side: yes
3 points

Washington isn't afraid of Mexicans.

What they don't like is illegal immigrants of ANY kind. so many of them happen to be Mexican though.

that's like saying the government hates blacks because so many criminals happen to be black.

Side: yes
2 points

Yes, immigration means new ideas and a bigger supply of labor. These things in turn make the U.S. more competitive in the global economy.

Side: yes

Yes Jake, we will always need immigration. If we put a moratorium on immigration what will we do as our elders pass on? Certainly our young people will some day pass on as well and our present percentage of children are not enough to sustain our country indefinitely. Crunch the numbers and you'll see what I mean. All societies must have several different age groups growing at once in order to fill in all the gaps that attrition and death bring.

Side: yes
1 point

Good point and thanks for the info. (:

Side: yes
0 points

In the modern age a country need immigration to remain economically powerful. A country such as the U.S. would look incredibly stupid if it did not allow any immigration on the world stage. But as far as 'needing' it, immigration brings in new ideas and new people, as far as the new ideas part, people who come in to the U.S. for research opportunities would be sorely missed. Now, i don't think that the U.S. needs immigration to survive, but it definitely does if it wants to maintain is superpower title.

Side: yes
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