
Debate Info

Dogs. Cats,
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 Dogs. (3)
 Cats, (3)

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KJVPrewrath(967) pic

Dogs versus cats.


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 3
1 point

Dogs all the way. 100%. They are very lovable and cuddly. Cats are evil and devilish. The spawn of the devil. I have 5 dogs myself. There is only one cat in the whole world I like, and it's my Best friends cat. His name is pronounced Q-sh-qua. It's a Russian name... he is a tuxedo cat. Anyways, dogs are WAY better than cats also because they are very loyal and playful. Cats are lazy,mean and boring.

Side: Dogs.

I feel like I can identify more with a cat, and they aren’t as needy as a dog.

Side: Cats,
0 points

Hello K:

I LOVE pussy.. What???


Side: Cats,
LiberalApple(92) Disputed
1 point

Most liberal men like cocks though. Right Mr Con? You like sucking dick right?

Side: Dogs.
Mingiwuwu(1446) Disputed
1 point

Most Conservative women don't like sucking cocks and don't like genitalia all that much either. They are sort of bad at sex and even being in touch with their own internal sexuality and use that as a reason to abhor the openness a liberal society has to all variations of it.

Side: Cats,