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 Even if free will exists, why should I pray if God already knows what I need? (9)

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Rogue Rascal(9480) pic

Even if free will exists, why should I pray if God already knows what I need?

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2 points

Exactly. Apparently christians dont know the definition of the word Omniscient. and another problem is, why do we as humans have to constantly give credit to god and revere him every single day of our lives? An all knowing, all powerfull creator of the universe shouldnt need constant ass kissing from some species he made but he outright demands it. God is a childish, pridefull, and immature fuck. Good thing hes fake

1 point

Dude this made my day. haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To show that you have faith. You are making an unofficial contract with God when you ask of him, and in doing that you are proving to him (even though he knows already: paradox) that you wish to join him.

1 point

Prayer is a means of pursuing a dynamic relationship with Him.

Furthermore, God ordains not only the ends but the means. Thus to ask, "Why pray if God already knows what we need?' is akin to asking, "Why get dressed in the morning and go to work?". For the matter if God is going to do what he is going to do anyway, why bother doing anything? God has ordained that the work we do and the prayers we utter both produce results. The fact that God know the future doesn't imply that our futures are fatalistically determined any more than our knowledge that the sun will rise cause the sun to rise.

Finally, while our heavenly Father knows what we need before we even ask, our supplication are in and of themselves an acknowledgement of our dependence on him. And that alone is reason enough to pray without ceasing.

(The Complete Bible Answer Book by Hank Hanegraff pg. 54)

1 point

God wants you to love Him and relate to Him. He wants our love and attention. That is a good question though.

Salva(2) Disputed
3 points

He seems kind of needy for being an all-powerful omniscient creator of the universe. Doesn't he?

Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

Not really. There is a difference between wanting and needing. .

1 point

If free will exists, god cannot. If god exists, free will cannot.

1 point

You shouldn't. If god already knows what you need and knows if he will give it to you or not, then prayer is useless. If god already knows what you need, whether you will pray (or not) or what you will do (or not), then free will is an illusion. Just goes to show that the concept of a tri-omni god is self-contradictory.