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Argento(512) pic

Experiment on Homophobia

Don't you love those clinical experiments? :o)

(why does video embedding not work >:o( anyone help?)
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2 points

I agree with the study because anyone who hates gays a shit load are probably just closet cases.

But, there are just the traditional type of guys (such as Military Officers) who do not accept the feminine style of homosexuality. These are the "dudes" of Conservatism, and do not apply to the homophobics in the study.

Although, the thing about the Transgender murder is sort of a spin. You're not a homophobic if you're freaking the fuck out after you find out that that chick you were screwing around with is actually a dude. People can be quite unstable and the thought of fucking a dude would gross them out.

They felt they were deceived into FUCKING A GUY, so it makes sense that they killed out of being pissed off, and not out of being "hateful".

If I ever find out that a chick i was fucking turned out to be a dude, I would freak out. I wouldn't kill him, though, because I'm pretty laid back. But I would probably never talk to that person again and try to avoid him as much as possible.

Side: The STUDY is mostly true
1 point

Please ignore the mention of the transgender murder. That story is about Gwen Araujo, a teenage transwoman who was murdered after the men she had sex with discovered that she had a penis.

But I would like to redirect the debate on the experiment, because the experiment has a lot to say and can be examined on it's own and with no relation to that story.

What is of importance here, is the findings pertaining to homophobes and their interesting arousal level when exposed to gay porn :o)

Side: The STUDY is mostly true
2 points


I've been saying this for like 9 mo, or however long I've been on this site. I would love to make all of the "god hates fags" people take that test. I promise 99.9% would get raging hard-ons from watching gay porn.

Anyway, I'm more than a little confused about the gay guy those two homophobic gay guys killed.

I mean, it said they had sex right? Like they went through with the act.

So I'm confused how one would be able to say they were not on some level attracted to that guy. I mean, I saw the face pic, and it was pretty. But when you're having sex I'm pretty sure they could have figured out there was a penis.

No pyg, I don't think those guys were "tricked" into having sex with a dude. They had sex with a dude because they were gay. Then felt so shamed because society has told them being gay is bad, that they killed him.

I mean, there are only two possible scenarios. They see the penis and are like "not gay, later" or they see the penis and are like "okay, we can do this." That's pretty much it.

So yeah, they were gay. You can trick someone I guess into getting the pants off, but cock is cock once they're down.

Side: Duh
1 point


Again, may I redirect the debate onto the study because the story of that transwoman is separate and only appears in the video cause the guy that has uploaded the video has not edited it out. The experiment is not actually linked to that story because there are some 8 stories in that documentary.

Just so you know though, there is a wikipedia page on Gwen Araujo (the teenage transwoman). She had oral sex with one guy and anal sex with the other. When she had anal sex she made sure the guy's hands didn't reach for the genital area, and i guess they were wearing clothes [I'm guessing doggy style here :o)] The guys only found out she had a penis at a party and then went onto a rage rampage, which ended with them hanging her up and killing her brutally the same night.

Now let's focus on the homophobes :o)

Where are they? WHERE ARE YOU HOMOPHOBES? I got a little SOMETHING FOR YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU :O) remove your pants and put this on your dick... yes... yes that IS gay porn... yes... yes you ARE aroused.... youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG!

A bit of their own medicine ha?... :o)

Side: The STUDY is mostly true

I remember this study from some time ago. The main problem with the study is that the sample is really too small and cannot be used to show an accurate correlation between "sexual bias" and arousability of those in the sample when confronted with homosexual intercourse. Moreover, there's no random assignment and no control group, controlling for extraneous variables. There's nothing in the study to actually show 1) a correlation and 2) whether this can be extrapolated across the population.

Side: The STUDY is mostly true
1 point

Another thing that could be disputed about the experiment is the nature of the device that was attached to the penis.

There is a very quick shot of it in the video, but it does look like something elasticated that goes around the girth of the penis to monitor increase in size.

It is possible that the device can act like a "cock ring", which means that it allowed blood to enter the shaft of the penis, but made it hard for the blood to exit, thus causing an "erection".

Side: The STUDY is mostly true
1 point

I disagree. Although I do agree that most men are homophobic because they are uncomfortable with their sexuality, I don't think that necessarily makes them gay or even bisexual.

I think it's possible the men could be aroused by their violent daydreams. If they were just so angry, and hating so much, that might have caused an erection.

A lot of angry men get off on violence.

There should be a larger study done, and a better control of their mental state. We have the technology.

Side: Violence is the stimulus
1 point

Do you mean that they get angry and internaly violent when watching the gay porn?

I didn't know that having violent feelings causes erections, but it's an interesting thought.

I would be surprised if that was the case for all of them though, cause the fact is, some 80% of them got aroused. lol

It might be good to ask soldiers for example if they get aroused when fighting the taliban. lol Can you imagine??? hahahahah :o)

Side: The STUDY is mostly true

Argento, one need only look to the end of their nose to understand that violence does create sexual arousal. In the world of S & M this is a daily occurrence. Some cannot have an erection without some form of violence...and it need not be severe. It depends on the 'taste' of the person.

Being gay myself and suspecting this to be true all of my life this video supports my ideas of who yells loudest has a problem with something and it's usually within themselves or someone very close to them like a son or daughter.

Side: The STUDY is mostly true
1 point

It's a theory. I'm not saying that's it.

And I think that while the actual fighting is going on, soldiers are pretty in the moment and buckled down. But back at the bases during training they are full of energy and "glee."

So I'm guessing it's more fantasy based. As in the fantasy of taking out your own anger on someone different than you.

Side: The STUDY is mostly true