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Facebook sucks Facebook is fun
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:24
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 Facebook sucks (7)
 Facebook is fun (14)

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dobelSoboel3(187) pic

Facebook is a waste of time and not For making friends

Facebook has become popular but it is ruining young(and old) people's lives. It just keeps people anxious and feeling like they have to post and check stuff all day long. It's a waste of time and energy and it doesn't improve your life.


Morever, even if it has some benefit, a stranger looking for local friends can't make new friends in facebook directly since most people will not want to meet strangers from the internet in real life and will not be interested.

Another reason why people can't make real( in real life) friends from facebook is because by the time people make facebook accounts, they already have their life and their group of REAL LIFE FRIENDS. They are not looking to  meet strangers in facebook. So pretty much facebook's only benefit is for people who are already friends, but still its a waste of time and not productive.



Facebook sucks

Side Score: 7

Facebook is fun

Side Score: 17
1 point

Facebook does suck. Who want's to chat all day on a website and make friends when you can make friends at school or work. I don't have a facebook and don't need one. I can talk to my friends at school. Many people I heard at my school are addicted to it they can't go one day without checking. Its like there are so consumed with it like they can't live without it.

Side: Facebook sucks
Saurbaby(5502) Disputed
1 point

Facebook is a great way to keep in contact with friends who don't live near you.

And when I was in school it was a place of learning, not a place to talk to my friends. That was for after school.

Side: Facebook is fun
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

I don't want to talk to friends who don't live near me. I would rather have friends that I know and not talk to some strangers on a internet site

Side: Facebook sucks
1 point

Facebook is a socializing website that many people like. I personally don't like it because more people stay inside and play on Facebook and don't go outside. Facebook was made so you could keep in touch with friends and family not to make new friends. Facebook is a nice place to express your feelings, but I would never express them because of the Facebook stalkers. Facebook stalkers are what make Facebook kinda creepy especially now that your status say's where you are. Whoever made Facebook needs to do a lot of reconstruction.

Side: Facebook sucks
1 point

I truly think it's a waste of time because I'm the one who addicted to Facebook and know what it's feel like to addicted to it. This social media if you play it wisely it's very useful to you, but if you play it so randomly like "checked in", to places you went, or uploaded your "foods" pictures. It's really waste of time and unuseful.

Side: Facebook sucks
3 points

I use Facebook as an easy way to keep in contact with friends who don't live close. And it's an easy way to get in touch with my best friend who doesn't have a phone.

I post quotes as my status' of funny things my friend's said so I can look back at it later and smile.

And I love being able to talk to my family in Spain for free.

Facebook is a win in my book :)

Side: Facebook is fun
1 point

Social networking specially face book is very comfortable thing. Personally I believe that thanks to social networks, we have communication with all people. We also make new friends. Of course no one says that we should forget about our personal life and spend time on social networks but can you imagine our life without social networking. To ask to meet, talk with someone at least we would have to use a mobile phone. Social network provides all services ranging from communications and image finishing personal information and new experiences. As an example, let's talk about the meeting of two different people from different countries. They met in a social network. Communicating year, they found many common hobbies. They know how each of them look like because of their personal photos, фnd so began their new friendship ))

Side: Facebook is fun

Facebook is not fun, but is a convenient method of communication.

Side: Facebook is fun

Ya fb is cool. You can talk to friends and plan stuff, and also find long lost freinds and distant relatives.

Side: Facebook is fun
1 point

Facebook is a social networking revolution- becoming the second most used website this year (behind Google) there is a reason that it is such a success. Facebook is fun, and whilst for many it may be a distraction, for the majority of us it provides a few main benefits:

-Allows us to connect with long distance friends/old friends.

-Makes socializing easier, and unlike texts, it is completely free.

-Allows you to connect with all your friends together, mainly through creating groups

So if you do not waste your time on Facebook, it is clear that this website can be a lot of fun. It's all about balancing it out.

Side: Facebook is fun
1 point

I think it's depend on yourself, that what do you want to use Facebook for!! and it's not a waste of time! DEBATE about this is a waste of TIME!

Facebook is a very comfortable things.It's open your vision.It's keep you to contact with your friends,also new friends.

Side: Facebook is fun
1 point

I believe facebook is not waste time because Facebook make me found old friends

Side: Facebook is fun
1 point

As a former "Base Brat" I spent my early childhood moving from base to base and country to country. You meet a lot of people this way and have friends from all over the country (or world). While I was lucky enough to spend all my high school years at the same school, we all grew up, got married, had kids and scattered all over North America. I find Facebook a great way to keep in touch with my friends from high school and my many friend from my father's military days. I have reconnected with a lot of people who were very important to me in my past with whom were it not for Facebook I would not have had the chance to reconnect.

Side: Facebook is fun