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Well..., that settles that Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:32
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 Well..., that settles that (11)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (7)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Well..., that settles that

Side Score: 14

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 12
2 points

If if it's true Okay I guess.Can't be sure what he saw was actually heaven(could be someplace else.) Who knows?

Side: Well..., that settles that

And just in time for the end of the Mayan calendar on December 21 ;)

Side: Well..., that settles that
1 point

My friend's birthday is the 22nd.... so close!

Side: Well..., that settles that

HAHAHAAH mackindale will love this LOL

This is what weve been saying for ages and ages now..... that our consciousness exists seperately from our body, that we have an energy body, different dimensions, string theory says it, this neuroscientists says it, people who have had these experiences all say it....

I swear, some people are so hardheaded, and @ hellno if it was just a dream, then why does everyone report the almost same exact experience?

I do believe though that there is a bit of bias in these reports, he said he was a faithful devout christian, which means his experience would be tailored to his beliefs, i still dont believe in one old guy sitting on a cloud barking out orders, but ya, this is good proof

Good job joe

hopefully this convinces people into believing we exist after death...

Side: Well..., that settles that
NivaZimel(135) Disputed
2 points

1...Since it goes against the obvious, where does anyone get a belief that the soul automatically continues to live?

Genesis 1, Satan said o the woman, "You won't DIE..." That is where, and that is the big lie.

People are all egotistical in varying degrees, and simply do not WANT to believe that when they die they are truly dead.

2...If a person dies, the only hope to become alive again is the resurrection from the dead, as Jesus taught and demonstrated with Lazarus. Lazarus did not come back to life and give an accounting of the things he experienced while he was unconscious because he was totally dead..

3...And even when Paul said, 'to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, there is STILL a resurrection from death, because the same book that gave Paul's words also states unequivocally that the soul is indeed subject to death.

Jesus taught resurrection.

Job 14 shows the same thing--that when a person dies, they MUST have an outside force working to make them alive again, and it is not automatic. God's power is what does it.

4...The term "immortal soul" does not appear anywhere in the Bible with regard to humans, but the Bible shows throughout that souls are subject to death (Ezekiel 18:4)

5...The person becoming unconscious in an NDE has not lost so much life that he cannot be resuscitated. People have similar NDEs because all people share similarities in our brain structure and subconscious mind.

Yes, it is a form of dream.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

1. experience of being seperated from your physical body

2. i believe we can choose when to reincarnate

3. i dont understand what youre saying

4. yea spiritual death, but they cant wiped out of existence

5. i still dont understand what you mean by that, not everyone experiences the same thing, they just experience the same THEME

What the hell do you believe? your beliefs are all over the place

Side: Well..., that settles that
1 point

If I told you I had a similar experience then I doubt very much that anyone would believe me. So I wont tell you I had a similar experience. some peoples minds are so closed they wouldnt believe anything that doesnt fit in with their science.

Side: Well..., that settles that
NivaZimel(135) Disputed
2 points

1...Since it goes against the obvious, where does anyone get a belief that the soul automatically continues to live?

Genesis 1, Satan said o the woman, "You won't DIE..." That is where, and that is the big lie.

People are all egotistical in varying degrees, and simply do not WANT to believe that when they die they are truly dead.

2...If a person dies, the only hope to become alive again is the resurrection from the dead, as Jesus taught and demonstrated with Lazarus. Lazarus did not come back to life and give an accounting of the things he experienced while he was unconscious because he was totally dead..

3...And even when Paul said, 'to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, there is STILL a resurrection from death, because the same book that gave Paul's words also states unequivocally that the soul is indeed subject to death.

Jesus taught resurrection.

Job 14 shows the same thing--that when a person dies, they MUST have an outside force working to make them alive again, and it is not automatic. God's power is what does it.

4...The term "immortal soul" does not appear anywhere in the Bible with regard to humans, but the Bible shows throughout that souls are subject to death (Ezekiel 18:4)

5...The person becoming unconscious in an NDE has not lost so much life that he cannot be resuscitated. People have similar NDEs because all people share similarities in our brain structure and subconscious mind.

6...The same Bible also says that eternal life is a reward for righteous ones, and destruction is the reward for disobedience. (Romans 6:7, 23; Psalm 37:11, 29; Proverbs 2:21)

7...I do agree that science theories today do make room for the existence of angels and God. We can see our bodies because of their density. But spirit bodies may very well exist in a much less dense form, and that is why we cannot see them.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

1 point

1...Since it goes against the obvious, where does anyone get a belief that the soul automatically continues to live?

Genesis 1, Satan said o the woman, "You won't DIE..." That is where, and that is the big lie.

People are all egotistical in varying degrees, and simply do not WANT to believe that when they die they are truly dead.

2...If a person dies, the only hope to become alive again is the resurrection from the dead, as Jesus taught and demonstrated with Lazarus. Lazarus did not come back to life and give an accounting of the things he experienced while he was unconscious because he was totally dead..

3...And even when Paul said, 'to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, there is STILL a resurrection from death, because the same book that gave Paul's words also states unequivocally that the soul is indeed subject to death.

Jesus taught resurrection.

Job 14 shows the same thing--that when a person dies, they MUST have an outside force working to make them alive again, and it is not automatic. God's power is what does it.

4...The term "immortal soul" does not appear anywhere in the Bible with regard to humans, but the Bible shows throughout that souls are subject to death (Ezekiel 18:4)

5...The person becoming unconscious in an NDE has not lost so much life that he cannot be resuscitated. People have similar NDEs because all people share similarities in our brain structure and subconscious mind.

Yes, it is a form of dream.

Side: Well..., that settles that
1 point

I already knew there was a heaven so this wouldn't surprise me anyway.

Side: Well..., that settles that
1 point

I may be wrong in this... But what I gather from the scientist and some others here, it is similar to a Buddhist and eastern mystical theory and believe me, it is not 'Heaven' as portrayed by Christians. For if he have sinned then it would be a glimpse of hell.. but no. Buddhist believe there are multiple planes of existence, not accessible in life but can be 'seen' through lots of meditation or... near death experience.

Notice the 3 main human intelligence? SQ, spiritual intelligence is the exact part of the brain he has that was in a state of rest... which controls emotions, dreams and imagination. The far east believe spiritual awareness is mankind's greatest untapped potential. Also known as the Third Eye.

Or it could be a dream.. I am sceptical myself but if I discredit everything that is mystical it leaves me no place for discovery in this field which I have taken great interest.

Side: Well..., that settles that
3 points

Where I come from, they call that "a dream".

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
2 points

I thought you go to the "afterlife" AFTER you are alive.

This is just silly. Show me a dead person who came back to say there's a heaven, and I will show you a living person.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Either dreaming or bullshitting. I swear you only go to heaven if you die. You total wagamammas.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
0 points

Not true, this guy was a top neuroscientist, and besides, heaven is only a higher dimension, on a higher frequency, you can visit it anytime you want, you just have to be able to reach that state of consciousness.

Side: Well..., that settles that
1 point

This is pure hallucination. He was apparently having lucid dream. It's like claims by people who, during their sleeps, experience abduction by aliens. As they naivety takes over, they believe it's real. We can't prove something from a claim.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!