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chatturgha(1619) pic

Frickin' Ouch; Help Much Please?

I bit the inside of my mouth, except it wasn't a minor bite. I ripped and rended and stretched and bit down on the flesh in the backside of my inner left cheek in one, single, giant chewing accident. The bleeding only recently stopped after stuffing cotton in my mouth for an hour. This hasn't happened in a long while, and I just remembered how I've never really known how to treat an inner mouth injury.

Any tips on how to heal this properly? I don't want my mouth to be swollen and practically un-usable for a week.

And for fun, how about you guys give your own personal RIDICULOUS injury stories? Try not to be too depressing about it, unless you can make even the serious ones cheery. Try to keep the weird and funny though, like ripped mouth or athlete's foot in your ear.

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I was crossed eyed for 6 months. The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. My wife was the one that finally figured it out using Google. I had spontaneous cerebral spinal fluid leak and my brain was thus resting at the base of my skull, on top of my optic nerve, for 6 months. My brain is back to normal now, although some of you may disagree ;)

I am among those who disagree. ;) Though I do not dispute this being bad.

1 point

Ouch! I've never properly chewed the inside of mouth!

I recently had my wisdom teeth out and had a leaflet that was based on oral surgery healing only. You could perhaps use some of the pointers from that. Use salt water rinses every few hours and after eating. Take some painkillers but don't take aspirin if it's still bleeding because it can make it worse. Avoid smoking. I was also told to avoid spitting and hot drinks as it dislodges the clots that form to heal the wound. I'm not sure if that's the same for all oral wounds though.

Not much of this will help the pain apart from taking painkillers but it should help it heal quicker!

I have lots of odd accidents. When I was a little toddler I was jumping on the bed and landed straight down on the headboard between my legs. I don't really need to say anymore except lots of blood and lots of stitches.

Thank you for the tips! Though unfortunately, I broke all of those rules before you mentioned them. I took a shower and did a LOT of spitting; I couldn't help it. I haven't sloshed any salt water either yet, ha ha. Luckily, I don't smoke. :X Painkillers I've taken though... I find the ability to stretch my mouth despite it being swollen and injured to be an ability I want.

OW! Crotch wound at a young age? Those are never nice...

When I was young, I had one of those giant bouncy chair-balls. I also had an aluminum baseball bat. When you combine the two together, you get an aluminum bat ricocheting off the ball and smashing me in the forehead.

Mother did a double-take at the goosegg bump I received. It was comically big, like from Looney Toons.

1 point

Wow, that sounds painful and awfully inconvenient :x Wish you a speedy recovery.

Thank you very much. :)

Once I slipped in the the bathroom, and hit my chin on the toilet. I had to get stitches.

1 point

once i slipped in the bathroom and stubbed my big toe on the bath tub leg. i experienced a whole different kind of pain that day....

1 point

i popped my hip while batting, and it locked up for an hour, so i had to move my hip in circles.