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Will solve everything Won't do much
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Will solve everything (4)
 Won't do much (3)

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nobodyknows(745) pic

Getting Money Out of Politics

Does anyone actually believe getting money out of politics will fix American democracy? It seems to me that vested interests will still block progress using various other means. Getting money out of politics will probably just create a new bureaucracy that will favor the establishment and in the long run serve vested interests. They will probably be happier using taxpayer money to influence elections rather than their own money.

Will solve everything

Side Score: 4

Won't do much

Side Score: 3
1 point

At that point the Leftist / Progressives will not be able to argue the point of income inequality because their followers will then get the same salary of those they vote into office !

Side: Will solve everything
GenericName(3430) Clarified
2 points

Considering the Left is the main group espousing getting money out of politics, don't you find your claim a little odd?

Side: Will solve everything
1 point

To solve many of the problems with government political offices should be a civic duty with a modest pay and very strict heavily enforced corruption laws. The opposite of what it is now. People should not want to be career politicians. As it is now the will of the people is lost to the will of the few with the most money to give.

Side: Will solve everything

Vested interests are the most powerful force in politics. Most change happens when the system collapses: independence, civil war, depressions. Getting money out of politics will not solve much if anything.

Side: Won't do much
1 point

So long as there is economy and the government is involved in it, politics will be about money. Not that that has to be inherently bad, though. The problem for democracy is less that there is money in politics and more the degree of concentration, accompanied with lack of transparency and etc.

Side: Won't do much
GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

True, but would it not be easier to address the problem by striving to take money out of politics as much as possible, rather than completely changing the distribution of wealth in this home of Smith's bastardization?

Side: Will solve everything
Jace(5222) Disputed
1 point

Not really, since as I said I think that such a separation is not possible nor fundamentally the source of the problem. If changing wealth distribution is difficult because the economy is pseudo-Smithian, then it would be equally the case with restricting how money can be used. Moreover, whereas money in politics has been effectively the norm throughout the economic history of most nations (including the US) there have been more egalitarian nations and moments of egalitarianism within the US, as well as a gradual trend towards egalitarianism I think.

From a more cynical standpoint, I might argue that neither is worth the effort. Power (including through wealth) gradually concentrates in the hands of increasingly fewer people, because power breeds more of itself for those who already have it and is harder to come by for those who do not. At a certain point the power becomes too concentrated to realistically revert any of it back to a greater number of persons, except through total overthrow and restart.

Side: Will solve everything