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 Happy Whitsunday Srom! (27)

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shoutoutloud(4303) pic

Happy Whitsunday Srom!

You know, your faith is not at all useless for me - I get tons of days off this time a year, because my country considers itself a christian country.

Christ's Ascension, Prayer Day and let's not forget Sunday and lots of other days you consider ''holy'' and give me a nice break for not only school but also work.    So thank you, Srom.  Without your ridiculous belief, I'd be at work right now

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6 points

Really? This seems to be a bit much. Srom already said he is feeling isolated and attacked, why take this extra step, do you just want to chase away anyone who disagrees with you?

You are the first person I read who actually cares about Scom.

1 point

Chasing everyone who disagrees with me would be chasing away most of CD's users.

Stryker(849) Disputed
6 points

Attack the beliefs, not the person who holds them.

1 point

Okay.... not sure if you're being sarcastic, rude, or nice, but alright?

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

Sarcastic - no

Rude or nice? you judge

Srom(12120) Clarified
1 point

To me, I think you were being rude because of this statement that you said down below and other things that you said.

"Without your ridiculous belief, I'd be at work right now"

But, I'm already used to people calling my belief ridiculous and other rude things, but we'll all be held accountable one day for our actions, words, and thoughts.

1 point

But wait Christians are the persecuted, whens the last god dam time I had off of work or children off from school due to me being Atheist?

Lol I feel sorry for Jesus Christ, he died on the cross so Christians can put there heads up there own asses it seems.

Srom(12120) Clarified
1 point

Christ didn't die for Christians. He died for all of mankind.