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Debate Score:21
Total Votes:23
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 Yes (7)
 No (11)

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johnbonham32(2426) pic

Has Obama bitten off more than he can chew, regarding this presidency?

Is Barack Obama full prepared to take on the responsibility of commander-in-chief? 


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 14
1 point


Then yes...

Which question are we supposed to answer?

It's very confusing.

Side: yes
1 point


Then No...

Which question are we supposed to answer?

It's very confusing. (;

Side: yes

Yes and it's not his fault. Here is what is going to take up his entire presidency: the economy. (Now, interestingly enough, a lot of the issues he took up all revolve around I'm looking to see how creative his administration will be on reviving and kick starting us back into a state of something more than a depression.)

Side: yes

He made a lot of promises, like almost every President before him, all of which he probably won't be able to keep. I just hope people understand that he isn't a God, he can't do everything, and he will need cooperation from the rest of the government. I don't think any President was ever able to fulfill all of the promises he made.

Side: No

I agree very much with your argument. I would also like to add that this time around we really need to consider the advancement of information and its empowering nature of the typical citizen. It is going to be very crucial to the success of the future of America that everyone educates themselves on the policies and movements that move them. My only fear has been the several years of dumbing down Americans. Education is a very vital area that this country has turned it's cheek to for years. I'm concerned about Obama's assignment of a Chicago Public schools head to the chair of education. (p.s. CPS has one of the nations worst graduation rates: at least he'll know what not to do!)

Side: No
1 point

i believe he had an idea of what he was getting into, but i think he may be judged unfairly no matter what. he's been given an extreme amount to deal with, & the "other side" is already been making things difficult. if they hadn't screwed things up so badly in the first place, he wouldn't have all this crap to deal with.

Side: No
1 point

Well, Israel is gonna be pissed. that's for sure.

although, Chaves, Castro, and Mahmoud are gonna be pretty happy that he's in charge. so, we lose one ally but gain three more.

good... right?

Side: No
1 point

You forgot about the whole continent of Europe...but hey, it's not like they've ever been significant to world policy.

Side: yes
1 point

Oh God, help us please! not the entire continent of Europe! Can't we just leave the French behind? I mean, it's not like they've ever been significant to world policy.

Side: No
1 point

All of Europe...never being significant to world policy? Come on Soc, you must know better than that and if you don't maybe you ought to stop skpping out on your History ~_~

Side: No
1 point

He isn't even legally capable of being president. He is either going to get shot in office or impeached. One of the two. Hopefully not the latter. >.<

Side: No
1 point

What are you implying? (I'm talking about the entire comment) And make sure to be clear in your explanation to my question.

Side: yes
1 point

I said that he will either be shot in office or impeached. And hopefully, if anything, he will not be shot in office because that would not be cool.

Side: yes
Sebastian(3) Disputed
1 point

I do not comprehend why you might believe President Obama is not legally capable of his office. Can you, at your age, be that much of a disgruntled junior Republican that you clearly wish him death or impeachment? I'm sorry for you if this is true.

I disagree he has bitten off more than he can chew and agree with your subsequent question.

Side: No and Yes
altarion(1955) Disputed
0 points

He is not a natural born citizen of these states. And I do not wish him to be shot in office, however I would not mind his impeachment because several of his policies and promises will directly affect me in a negative way as soon as I start having to pay taxes and what-have-you.

Side: yes

It is now 2015 and he is still a great President and is inclusive of all.

Side: No