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shoutoutloud(4303) pic

Has Trump lost voters with the new tax leak scandal?

Please elaborate.


Side Score: 12


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Im afraid he hasn't lost any voters, because if this were to be a factor to switch sides, then Im guessing the reason has to be patriotism, right? Loyalty to your country. Which means if anyone were to switch sides, it would be a patriot, and someone who sees the unwillingness to pay taxes as a lack of loyalty to ones country.

EXCEPT THIS IDEOLOGY DOESN'T EXIST ANYWHERE ON THE AMERICAN POLITICAL RIGHT WING. Patriotism (which usually is a right-wing ideology) in the united states is not so much about being loyal to ones country as it is alienating the body that governs it. So if anything, more american "patriots" will vote for Trump when they see how badly he disresepcts to his own government.

Side: No

I think the truth is anybody with reasonable sanity, intellect and conscience would never have voted for Trump in the first place. He's begun a fascist cult and when people are brainwashed into a cult it doesn't matter what you tell them because they just won't listen. The leader is always the victim. Either the media is lying or there's a Communist plot to oust him. We've seen this all before in Germany.

Side: No
Prestito(1) Clarified
1 point

Well I'd agree with you on the part where the tax leak will not loose voters, but I disagree with you that Trump is a fascist, he is a populist. Trump gains his support from the common american while putting down elitist groups (aka the media and left-wing politicians) which is not a fascist, it's a populist, especially considering that he is much more pro states rights, not the federal governments rights.

Side: Yes
3 points

he is much more pro states rights

Except when he tried to control the entire countries covid19 strategy. That's the thing with Trump, he is neither this nor that, because he is simply not consistent. You cannot count on him, he's like impulse buyer at Target.

Side: Yes
BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
1 point

Well I'd agree with you on the part where the tax leak will not loose voters, but I disagree with you that Trump is a fascist, he is a populist.

Populism is how the fascists obtained power in the first place. Jesus Christ, why are you people SO STUPID? Have you literally never opened a history book?

Side: Yes
1 point

Trump gains his support from the common american while putting down elitist groups

Ahahahahahaha! Shut up you stupid little twat. The common American pays their taxes.

Side: Yes
2 points

He didn't lose me due to the tax scandal. He lost me when he went down his gold escalator.

Side: No
2 points

If he hasn't lost voters with downplaying Covid during a critical time, STILL downplaying Covid against the recommendation of all his advisors, his sexual assault scandals, questionable business dealings scandals, his University scandal, his numerous attempts at limiting or negating freedom of speech, and all of the scandals surrounding his personal choices in people (Manafort, Cohen, and many others)...nothing is going to sway the voters still hanging on to him.

Side: No
ColemanHughe(62) Disputed
1 point

You must be unfamiliar with Biden , who took $3.5 million from Russian oligarchs. But you're a phony, so it's barely surprising that you like a man who is everything you claim Trump is times ten.

Side: Yes
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
1 point

Trump supporters always deflect instead of reflect.

Regardless of what you think, if Trump was a Democrat I would have just as much disdain for him as I do now for how he's dealing (or not dealing) with things. I don't like either option for Reps or Dems, but you'd know that if you got your head out of Trumps arse long enough to pay attention.

Side: No
0 points

No because it's the New York Times recycling their smear piece from 2016, and nobody cared then.

Side: No