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Evil! Wait a second...
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Evil! (2)
 Wait a second... (8)

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Jarnunvosk(24) pic

Having Cancer is Wrong!

Having cancer is a sin. People with cancer shouldn't be allowed to marry. They are sinners who will burn in hell for all eternity.

They are filthy and immoral, dare I call them...humans. Disgusting...

First they want the right to marry. What's next?! Next these filth buckets will want to marry dogs and rape children (duh...).




By now you get my point. Cancer, like homosexuality, is not a choice. In fact, cancer is more of a choice than homosexuality as it can be influenced by environemntal factors and behavior changes. 


Side Score: 2

Wait a second...

Side Score: 8
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How does one have a choice with cancer or not? I would find homosexuality to be a normal choice but cancer......I don't think you really have a choice with cancer. If it was then I would hope that nobody chooses it. Unless I am misunderstanding your point.

Side: Wait a second...
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

Cigarettes, standing near microwaves, sun bathing. Things of that nature, that are more likely to cause cancer.

Side: Evil!

Oh okay. Thanks for clarifying that. I didn't know what he was saying at first.

Side: Wait a second...
KayneOfNod(317) Disputed
1 point

Correlation does not equal causation Bucko, and To be honest there is a genetic component which means the OP is suggesting eugenics which is racist. :P


(Eugenics isn't actually racist. I'm just being an asshat)

Side: Wait a second...

Do you have negative points?

How the hell.

By any regard cancer, like being a woman, and being black was labeled sinful, or less good in god's eyes than being a healthy, white, male.

The reason is this, the 1st woman ate the apple, and tricked the 1st man into eating the apple, therefore anyone born of the 1st woman has the 1st woman's sin.

The 1st killer was cursed with a black mark distinguishing him from the crowd of non killers, thus making anyone with a black mark, (which cancer often reveals it's self as) or all black skin was considered descendant of the 1st killer, with the 1st killer's sin.

Now the reason I'm posting over here is because, anyone with any common sense wouldn't take the words in an old, edited again and again book, as proof of right and wrong.

I don't think cancer is wrong not by your logic but because by bible logic, it wouldn't make much sense.

Side: Wait a second...

I think it is stupid that you compare homosexuality with a disease.

Homosexuality is not a disease, but I get your point.

Side: Wait a second...
KayneOfNod(317) Disputed
1 point

you're right, it's a disorder.


Side: Evil!
1 point

How does having cancer is wrong? Its a disease that we get from different things and I don't see how cancer is wrong.

Just reached 5,000 points!

Side: Wait a second...
Jarnunvosk(24) Disputed
1 point

Srom completely missed the point how am I not surprised.

Side: Evil!
1 point

You could choose to make a better comparison. Cancer is a disease. Homosexuality is a sexual preference. Homosexual people generally like being gay. People with cancer don't like being ill.

Side: Wait a second...

There is no Hell. A person who does have cancer is experiencing Hell right here on Earth. I hope a cure for cancer will come very soon.

Side: Wait a second...