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Debate Score:36
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 Hello everyone how is everyone doing? (17)

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GodMyMaker(12) pic

Hello everyone how is everyone doing?

I am God My Maker. If you have a problem with me on anything in the future. Before reporting me private message me the issue and we can try to resolve it. I am not here to make enemy's.
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2 points

I'm great. Just watched Bernie Sanders absolutely destroy Hillary in the debate. Got a little boozed up and I'm driving up to boston tomorrow to see my girl.

Hey that'll be excellent fun, living away from your partner is rough. Hope you have a great time

2 points

Fighting the aches and pains of being a bad ass.

2 points


What's it to ya? ....................................................

1 point

I am just trying to be friendly................................................................

Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
1 point

Thanks, but so was I with my little lighthearted banter type reply. I mean, what'd I say, what'd I say? I'm sure you didn't really didn't want to hear a fictitious list of the great things which have made my life an overwhelming joy recently. My doctor told me that I was too healthy and put me on a course of sickness pills just after I won £94 million on the lottery, which was nice. My nagging ugly wife ran off with a Yankee sailor and swore she will never return. Bar Refaeli phoned me and asked me to join her on a 4 week Mediterranean cruise. So, things could be better, but I guess I'm feeling sort of okay-ish.

I am wonderful thank you for asking. Today I have had two cups of tea and later I'm going to walk up a hill. How is your day going, new friend?

1 point

I am good..............................................................................................

Great to hear buddy, welcome to the community                     

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

Does anyone care how many cups of tea you might have had today or how hills you will walk ?

1 point

I'm a little depressed. I found a link to make a friends video on Facebook, clicked it and here's what it said, "Sorry! We don't have enough content to make a Friends Day video for you."

Awww Jolie :(            ���            ���            ���        

1 point

Doing even better now that I've remembered that I can sleep.
