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 Help, I am leaning Left (3)

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nobodyknows(745) pic

Help, I am leaning Left

I have been reading/watching so much liberally-biased news that I now find it difficult to make fun of and disagree with the left. I have been trying to watch Megan Kelly and Bill O'Reilly but they are too boring and they try too hard to pretend to be unbiased. Does anybody know of any other good right wing sources that would help me see things from that point of view?
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Why not turn off the TV and stop trying to find news that leans one way or another? Read the news online from a variety of sources, compare and contrast the viewpoints presented, and determine your own views on the issues. There's no "need" to lean Left or Right, really.

nobodyknows(745) Clarified
2 points

I feel like I already get great news from the WSJ, The Economist, and Foreign Affairs. I also have views fairly independent of the left and right (kinda libertarian but I don't agree with them either). What I am looking for is someone who points out the flaws in the liberal and conservative ideologues in an entertaining way. I have found plenty of people criticizing conservatives but not many criticizing liberals. This is not really for news so much as it is for entertainment and to keep myself fairly criticizing both parties equally. Right now I could rant about republican hypocrisy for hours but not so much for democrats. Don't worry, I am not using TYT or Fox for news purposes, just entertainment.

1 point

That. All of that. ^

Don't worry about right and left, worry about what you believe. Don't try and find a news source that puts a spin on the news. Try and find multiple and look at it from different angles. You're not right-wing and you're not left-wing. You're you. You have unique ideas and opinions and the fact that people feel that they need to fit into one of two sides is one of the most atrocious things about America. In my humble opinion.