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The Higher The Better The Lower The Better
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:3
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 The Higher The Better (2)

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Mana454(15) pic

Higher Corporation Taxes Are Best

The Higher The Better

Side Score: 2

The Lower The Better

Side Score: 0
1 point

I personally do wish that corporations paid more tax, however there are a couple of big issues with corporate taxation. Firstly there are loopholes and tax havens which allow corporations to pay little to no tax, regardless of the tax rate set by the nation. Secondly, if taxes are too high corporations will simply set up shop elsewhere. While this is a good thing in some regards, their efficiency is of benefit to the economies of the countries they operate in.

Side: The Higher The Better
0 points

Hello M:

We shouldn't raise them, but we shouldn't lower them either.. Republicans complain that at 35%, our corporate tax rate is the highest in the world..

And, it is too, if you believe that corporations PAY the highest rate. But, they don't.. None of 'em do. In truth, with loop holes and tax deductions, corporations pay around 18%, which is commensurate with other 1st world economies.


Side: The Higher The Better
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