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 How Can We Have Whole Numbers When Infinity Exist---0.99...????? (14)

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TheThinker(1688) pic

How Can We Have Whole Numbers When Infinity Exist---0.99...?????

If 0.99... exists, then how can be have whole numbers? Infact, how can we have the number 1?

following me?

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2 points

Because we can... how is that not simple? We can have numbers that represent whole things, and then smaller numbers that represent peices of whole things.

What is confusing you? Just because some things are infinite doesn't mean that some things aren't finite.

atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

If I clip my fingernails am I still one whole person?

I guess what I'm getting at is that logically, if you remove some portion of whatever it is you are quantifying as being 1, it becomes less than one does it not?

Side: Numbers are useful imaginary concepts
chatturgha(1619) Disputed
1 point

Yup, that's exactly what happens. If you're equating the mass of your current body to equal 1, in this case, then removing a fingernail clipping would probably equal 0.001 of your body mass (or some tiny number). So, in relation to what your body mass was before (1), your body mass is now 0.999 after clipping your nail.

But if you mean 'person' as in your quantity of personhood, that's something that cann't be physically measured by number or quantity, because it is a metaphorical property. Physical things like mass and quantity have number though. Real and imaginary numbers are just situational versions of measuring quantity and amount. Theoretically or truthfully.

Side: Numbers are useful imaginary concepts

What im saying is....

If 0.999... exists. How can we truly have the number "1" or other whole numbers???

Side: Numbers are useful imaginary concepts
1 point


.99 does not exist. Sure, judge real things by fake thing standards and all the sudden real doesn't seem so real any more.

If you approach numbers as a measurement, it's only useful form, you can never get to any number, 1, 2, .99, .00000000000000000000001 without first counting infinate numbers between. Since you cannot count infinite numbers you cannot measure.

Numbers are simply the most accurate label for things we count. We ignore that we can imagine infinity in order to go about our day.

After all, it does little good to question every notch in the ruler while making a cabinet. It will hold cups regardless how much you worrry about the difference between 1 and .99.

We first imagined (as humans now) 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.

We then saw room for .99 much later.

.99 though does not exist. You have 1, or you do not.

The rest are tools to increase understanding. I shouldn't be used to question what we already understand - as seems to be the rabbit whole we're falling into here.

Side: Numbers are useful imaginary concepts
1 point

I shouldn't be used to question what we already understand - as seems to be the rabbit whole we're falling into here.

So don't question what we already understand and accept, because we risk falling into a rabbit hole?

I have seen that logic expressed elsewhere to defend the "not questioning" of other useful imaginary constructs. I am philosophically opposed to avoiding scrutiny of value systems.

Side: Numbers are useful imaginary concepts
1 point

.99 does not exist.

A variable heater which is set to its maximum power of 1KW is turned down by 1%. What is its new power rating?

Side: Numbers are useful imaginary concepts
1 point

No... I'm not thinking on that one. I'm just not doing. I'm not going to be the thinker. That will be thinking too much. And thinking too much is fatal. I teach kids 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 everyday. I'm not giving up on my living.

Side: Numbers are useful imaginary concepts

This is more of a question with Theoretical Mathematicians. If I have one pencil, it is one pencil, it is not .9999999.

Side: Numbers are useful imaginary concepts

The only logical conclusion is the existence of an ultimate particle: a point beyond which division is impossible. It is the only explanation which does not contravene readily observable truths, like motion and measurement.

Side: Numbers are useful imaginary concepts
1 point

The very fact that infinity exists allows us to have whole numbers.


1 is short for


(followed by an infinite amount of 0's)

We just denote it as "1", it is still infinitely long.


Just as 0.99 is short for


(followed by an infinite amount of 0's)

We just denote it as "0.99".


Side: Numbers are useful imaginary concepts
1 point

Non-sequitir much? Can I 1 finger despite the fact that infinity exists? Why, yes. and I can have 2 fingers, 3, 4, 5... all whole numbers.

Side: Numbers are useful imaginary concepts