
Debate Info

Me! I am! No! I'm not!
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:27
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 Me! I am! (12)
 No! I'm not! (5)

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GreenEyedGir(46) pic

How Many People On This Site Are American?

Me! I am!

Side Score: 17

No! I'm not!

Side Score: 9

I am and I have a birth certificate to prove it, unlike some other people.

Side: Me! I am!
jessald(1915) Disputed
1 point
Side: No! I'm not!

You took the bait ;)

Side: No! I'm not!
2 points

I was born in hell, and live in a constant state of self-absorbed ignorance. That's American right?

Joking, that made it sound like I'm not proud of being American, which I think anyone who debates me knows is incorrect.

This site is American-centric because we're louder, for better or worse.

So speak up people not from the U.S.!

Side: Me! I am!
1 point

I am an American...

Or am I????

LOL...Nope...American, born and raised.

Woo Hoo Americans!!!! =]

Nothing against non-Americans though....


Side: Me! I am!
1 point

I am, born and raised in sunny California.

Side: Me! I am!

Yo soy de Delaware. En Delaware hay muchas personas que coman comida. Es delicioso!

Side: Me! I am!

Born and raised in Illinois, but now live in Maryland.

Side: Me! I am!

Yes, I am an American but not born here! I was born in Germany many years ago! I am a citizen however because my Father was an American G.I. in Berlin. I'm an Automatic Citizen but you'd not see that on my birth certificate...only on My Passport!

Side: Me! I am!
1 point

If you are born in the United States and raised in the country or was granted citizenship legally, you are an American.

I am happy to say that I am an American.

Side: Me! I am!
1 point

Yep, and proud of it.

Side: Me! I am!
1 point

I guess it's a simple question, I'm an American on this site. Unfortunately, I am not a proud American. My husband jokes that I'm a communist (which by definition makes no sense). :-)

Side: Me! I am!
2 points

Should I be?

But seriously, upon stumbling upon this site, I've only seen American themed "debates". Is this site intended for an American-only audience, or everyone?

Side: No! I'm not!
2 points

This site is for anyone and everyone who wants a place to come together to debate any topic they're passionate about, regardless of age, race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, political leanings, etc etc etc. The more diverse the community the better in my opinion!

Side: No! I'm not!

This site is for everyone. It's just that representatives of other countries don't seem to add debates with themes from their country.

Side: No! I'm not!
GreenEyedGir(46) Disputed
1 point

I agree. But interestingly enough, it shows how a large majority of typical American citizens are living. Don't you agree?

Side: No! I'm not!
1 point

I would agree, actually, but I have no idea what you're trying to ask me.

Side: Me! I am!