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 How are gay people suppose to live (18)

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christquest(11) pic

How are gay people suppose to live

people say gay is a sin or homesexaulity is a sin whatever anyways how are they suppose to live. the bible is very counterproductive casue it says all those that are saved will commit a sin but they have a relationship with jesus so they are saved but they can't use it as an excsue and in romans it talks about how onl;y person believes is how they believe so they should be left alone. but how are gays suppose to live they can't date a  woman cause that'd be lieign and thats a sin so what are they supposed to do.

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4 points

However they want. They don't have to be a part of any religion. At least not here in the states. Nobody is forcing them to be a part of any religion or anything.

Kind of a weird debate....

Side: however they want
1 point

Firstly could you sort out your description. A bit of time spent on spelling and structure would help it.

Secondly - If they want to live by the Bible i.e. without committing homosexual acts yet not lie about being in love with a woman - Celebacy.

Side: however they want
christquest(11) Disputed
1 point

ok the bible says that a man shouldn't lie with another man as he would a woman does that talk about being a homo r a panseaul or a bisexual casue homos don't lie with woman. and do priest amsturbate ? its a good question people say its lust but priest don't have girlfriends?

Side: however they want
1 point

wel i'm saying what if the bibe is like the constitution it was written with leanecy like it lillerly means am man shouldn't lay with a man like he does a woman. what if that was litterally what it means becasue the holy bible also doesn't talk about women in it most of the time it say man so are women not include or follow a different rule?

Side: however they want
1 point

the bible also says that if one feels guilt then they shouldn't do the thing they feel guilt toward but if one doesn't then they should. it also says that a christian shouldn't tell another chirstian how to behave or worship god.

Side: however they want

The times have changed. It is now 2015 and the Supreme Court has declared Gay Marriage to be the law of the land.

Side: however they want
0 points

As Catholic Priests.

It makes the most sense. Catholic priests dedicate themselves to God and do not have relationships (sexual).

now, there will come all the pedophile jokes about Catholics, and I forgive people for being a bunch of faggots who ruin a serious debate, but looking really into it, if you're a Christian and you are gay, a good idea is to become a Catholic Priest (it is believed that many Catholic Priests are gay, and we do know that at least the pedophiles are).

Or, they can be Atheists and just not give a fuck what religions say. Hell, why do you think I'm happy as fuck? I'm an Atheist.

Side: Become Catholic Priests
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
2 points

I'm sorry, pedophiles are automatically gay?

We've had this discussion before and found that that is complete bullshit.

Side: Become Catholic Priests
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
2 points

not all pedophiles, just the ones who molest those of the same type of gender.

If a man touches a little boy, he's gay. If a man touches a little girl, he's straight.

Are you really trying to somehow point out that ALL pedophiles are straight no matter what the gender of the child is? I understand the problem with equating gays with perverts, but we can't just somehow try to create this portrait that ALL gays are saints. Gays are people to, and like people, some of them can be evil.

Side: Become Catholic Priests
1 point

you seem to be supporting both sides, be priests and not have sex, or be athiests. there are, of course, other alternatives like not engange in sex, but not be a priest, or believe in a god that accepts gay people, etc. Maybe the question should be more qualified.

Side: however they want
Awen27(541) Disputed
1 point

But gay people are not is this a good solution for them?

And I've never seen you as a happy person; In fact, I recall upon first hearing your outlook on life seriously wanting to hug you. o_o Of course, in looking at it again, you may be perfectly happy, I don't really know. I'm just saying that you don't especially exude happy...

Side: however they want
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

If they wish to abide by the rules in the bible, they must not have gay sex.

Keep in mind, I disagree with religion, but if they wish to be "good Christians" they can't have sex.

Side: Become Catholic Priests
1 point

IM happy but yet not happy when the end of the day comes no but right now while all my friends are single then im ok but when they do i get upset and sometimes i get the feeling that a few won't because they can see that im unhappy. I have a mask to cover my sadness and sometmes i forget its ther but i do take it off sometimes and cry.

Side: Become Catholic Priests