
Debate Info

Hey..., if it works, go for it That would never work here
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Hey..., if it works, go for it (5)
 That would never work here (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Hey..., if it works, go for it

Side Score: 6

That would never work here

Side Score: 3

I'm gonna try this this weekend and report back to you guys ;)

Side: Hey..., if it works, go for it
1 point

Ha ha!!!! I was laughing at the part where they had a bike bell or whatever they call it and they rang it and the people suddenly just moved. I think it would work! If you tried it.

Side: Hey..., if it works, go for it
1 point

I think it depends where you are if it would work. Like that would never work where I live, but I think it would work in nearly any crowed city. :)

Side: Hey..., if it works, go for it
1 point

I've gotta get me one of those!

Side: Hey..., if it works, go for it

The guy with the boxes even moves, that is too funny.----------

Side: Hey..., if it works, go for it

In the USA one has to do more than this to get the point across. I prefer what my dad used to do when my younger brother poked around. Nothing that a swift kick in the ass won't cure. One time he kicked him so hard that his shoes flew off. After this time, he actually picked up the pace.

Side: That would never work here

I agree. People in America are much bigger assholes and are much less polite.

Side: That would never work here
1 point

It probably wouldn't work here in the UK, as people would just think "Go around me, or you'll get knocked over too!" Also, if they looked over their shoulder, they might just realise that no one is actually behind them on a bike, so they wouldn't move. If it did work though, I would use that all the time! xD

Side: That would never work here