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Debate Score:12
Total Votes:14
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 I am back guys! Took a short break of about a month... (8)

Debate Creator

Joel_Mathews(2284) pic

I am back guys! Took a short break of about a month...

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3 points

Yay! Now.... who the hell are you and why are you announcing you're back?

Bildgesmythe(40) Disputed
1 point

Do you always talk to strangers? My name is Bildgesmythe, rhymes with bildge knife, Bildge like the bottom of a ship..then smythe..sounding like knife.

Dana's back in town. No one will be paying attention to you for a while.

Also. Your break was for 9 days. Not a month.

2 points

I shudder to think what will happen when one of the other trolls interact with her.

Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

She is not a troll.. She is just mentally handicapped and not capable of two way communication.

Bildgesmythe(40) Disputed
1 point

That's your opinion .

I am down with them.

I am glad you came back, Joel_Mathews!