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 I think people forget these guys in religious debates... (8)

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Elvira(3441) pic

I think people forget these guys in religious debates...

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2 points

No, I do not forget other religions. I consider them equitable in their flaws. What I say about Christianity would generally apply quite easily to any other religion. If I mention Christianity more often it is only because more people bring it up since they are Christian.

2 points

What religion is being referred to irrelevant as far as I am concerned, no religion has proven to be considerably more valid than any other as far as I am concerned.

I don't know if we have anyone on CreateDebate representing those religions, so it wouldn't be much of a debate. I debate Christianity because it is the religion I know the most about and it's the religion that is always trying to force its doctrine on everyone in my country, and is constantly trying to get our government to violate separation of church and state.

Oftenly they do, that is why I am irritated by some topics that debate about religion, but really they are debating just about Christianity (and mostly protestant). I think that most intelligent religion is Zoroastrianism.

I am we'll aware that their are othe religions, it it is just that Catholicism is the religion I know best and is easier for me to reference. I would love it if more religiously diverse members joined in such debates so I could Hear their perspectives.

When I personally say religion I mean it as a blanket term for all of it.

I don't think about any specific religion so I'm speaking about anything that considers itself a religion at all. They're all the same in their amounts of logic and proof so it's kind of "one size fits all" arguments.

0 points

Why should we consider them? If 80% of my country is one religion im far more concerned with debating that god than the ones that history has already done away with, or the ones that only a few nutcases worship.

-1 points

For me are all regions equally retarded but in different developmental stage for example Christianity is pretty much sterile and without any effect on society, however Islam is still in it's violent and dogmatic stage...