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 If Dems are cultural Marxists, why won't they at least run a social democrat? (7)

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Sherlock-(92) pic

If Dems are cultural Marxists, why won't they at least run a social democrat?

The cultural Marxist conspiracy theory is eerily similar to the Nazi "cultural Bolshevism" concept. But consider this, if the Democrats are actually run by Marxists, why didn't the super delegates back Bernie Sanders the social democrat instead of Hillary the authoritarian centrist? Well the answer is simple, the democrats are capitalists, and care more about winning corporate sponsorship and pleasing the 1% than bringing about any meaningful change to the system. It is entirely obvious that Marxist ideology is not what motivates them, what motivates them is the same thing that motivates all capitalists.
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1 point

If Dems are cultural Marxists, why won't they at least run a social democrat?

Hello Sherlock:

Uhhh, cause the dems AREN'T cultural Marxists.. Dude!

Back away from the FOX News.. It's rotting your brain.


Sherlock-(92) Disputed
1 point

Uhhh, cause the dems AREN'T cultural Marxists.. Dude!

Back away from the FOX News.. It's rotting your brain.

What the hell makes you think I watch Fox news? I know they aren't cultural Marxists, that's the whole point of this debate. I am trying to get right wingers to realize how stupid they are.

excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

What the hell makes you think I watch Fox news?

Hello S:

I dunno.. You make a right wing post, and I'm supposed to KNOW you were kidding??? Maybe if you STUCK to an identifiable IDENTITY, I could keep up..

But, you won't and I've STOPPED trying.. I just answer the post.
