
Debate Info

True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 True. (4)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (4)

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BouncngBetty(101) pic

If it's true that God would not burden you with more than you can carry

Then why do people commit suicide?
Does He not realize when someone is overburdened?
Maybe He's trolling them.


Side Score: 5

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 4

Why you create thus sick pxuppet account?

Yes. I know who you are, Angela.

The what?! gave it away. You use that all the time. And that bimbo pic is snagged from YouTube.

To answer your question, contrary to popular belief, God will heap more on our shoulders once Nashville than we can handle. He does this to test us and teach us how to deal with adversity and then call on Him when it gets too much.

Oddly, Satan does pretty much the opposite. But that's a long story and it gets complex.

Side: True.
1 point

Oh heck no. God piles it on higher and deeper and is thoroughly inconsistent in how he spreads cr@p around.

Hey, when Hurricane Katrina spread death across Louisiana there were people who were old and sick who literally couldn't escape their own homes on their own. Tell me how he didn't give them more than they could handle. And if you say instead, no, he was bringing them home to heaven, then tell me why he did that to all regardless of whether they were atheists or believers. And tell me why babies drowned.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

Babies drowned because they are terrible swimmers.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

True that. So let's take that a step further and say God puts fish in the ocean because that's a burden they can carry. We should aspire to be as strong as fish. I guess I'll go home and throw my kids in the pool. Sink or swim fellas!

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Hey Angela!

How ya doin'?



Side: True.
cloverclaw(1) Disputed
1 point

It was just their time, the elderly and sick who died. God gave us free will and a Bible, basically, to do with as we please. Every choice we make influences everyone else's life and their own choices, sort of like the butterfly effect. He's giving us independence from him. It is our own choice to become whatever religion, our choices (for the most part) dictate our lives. Life is unfair because of choices that other people made. You were born to abusive parents? Maybe if your father's parents had decided to move, he would've never met your mom and you wouldn't have been born. Born to rich parents and live a happy life? Imagine if a car had hit the ambulance your mother was in as she was in labor with you, because the driver was drunk. Things that seem small to other people can have massive impacts on the lives of others, and this is because of free will. God gave Adam and Eve a lovely garden to live in, the weather was great, plenty of food, and just one rule: do not eat this one type of fruit. Satan jumps in on the scene, barely puts any effort or time into it, and beguiles Eve into eating the fruit and sharing it with Adam. Imagine, if Eve had just said that she wasn't hungry, what a better place the world would be? Free will was God's gift, it's Satan's meddling that made it and its results a curse upon us.

Side: True.
1 point

This question is as steeped in reality as is the question....

Does Santa Claus really keep a list?

See? Both fictional characters are equally real.


Oh...ladyStinkTar is gonna pee her boy shorts when she gets a gander at your profile vid. Ten bucks says she watches it for about half an hour straight.


Side: Wait..., what? No!!!