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Debate Score:20
Total Votes:20
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addltd(5125) pic

If only 6 people were able to sign up on day one, is Obamacare a success?


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 11
5 points

It was successful at making us all laugh. ;)

Side: Success!
2 points

It is a small step for a man but big one for the USA ...

Side: Success!

According to the Obama Administration, the perfect plan to destroy America private insurance is just starting to fall into place.

Side: Success!
1 point

destroy America private insurance

Do explain how this may destroy private insurance. I do not believe that it forces one to buy ObamaCare. It puts pressure on one to get health insurance, right?

Side: Failure!
1 point

ObamaCare has added a substantial amount of new regulation by 20,000 pages, which doesn't include the potential creation of more by the Secretary of HHS.

Complying with regulation is very costly, not only for insurance companies, but for businesses particularly small to medium. Eventually, the burden of regulations will cripple private insurance. Big insurers are already fleeing Obamacare exchanges.

Side: Success!

I think we can all agree that the website failed on day one. However, the long term success or failure of Obamacare is a completely different question. Even the wonderful CreateDebate has had website glitches now and then.

Side: Failure!
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
4 points

This, exactly. I really couldn't have said it better myself. If I tried, It would probably be three or four paragraphs long and the majority of people here wouldn't even read it.

Side: Success!
3 points

Poor Liberals... If only they could figure out how to get the dead to turnout for Obamacare enrollment in the same numbers they do for their elections it'd be a drop-dead success!! :))

Side: Failure!

Fail. Just, I want that plan to get the f@$$ out of this place. It's just making me laugh

Side: Failure!
1 point

We agree that Obamacare has failed and been failing but the success in to to far from reach

Side: Failure!