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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:5
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SpawnOfWank(138) pic

If you always take the Democrat position, aren't you a Democrat?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 2

Of course you are!

It is very telling when people deceptively try to claim they are not Democrats. It proves how extreme the Democrat Party has become, whereby Democrats are no longer willing to admit who they are.

Ask yourself why someone would be ashamed of calling themselves a Democrat. It's because they do not want people to know they support the extreme positions of the Party.

I'm not ashamed of calling myself a Conservative because Conservatives have nothing to hide.

We don't support the inhumanities of killing viable babies for any reason.

We don't support illegal immigration.

We are not bleeding heart patsies when allowing possible terrorists into our nation.

We are not trying to force every public school to allow so called Transgender boys into our daughter's bathrooms.

We are not forcing every State to bow to political correctness.

We are not trying to force privately owned businesses to cater things that go against their faith or conscience.

We are not censoring a community's freedom to display or not display a nativity scene on public land.

Yes, Democrats have much to be ashamed for these days and with all good Liberals, lack the character to admit what they support behind those curtains on election day.

But I digress.

Side: Yes
1 point

I hate to be that guy. But I've got bad news for everyone. 1. There exists dishonest people who like to troll others and ultimately just watch the world burn. 2. There exists people who are so retarded that they have no idea what they are doing or who they support.

in conclusion: Never underestimate the power of human Stupidity...

Side: No
0 points

If you always take the Democrat position, aren't you a Democrat?

Hello S:

Agreeing with the Democrats is something you do in your HEAD. Joining the Democratic party is something you do with your fingers and your checkbook..

How do you NOT know that??


Side: No
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

It is very telling when people deceptively try to claim they are not Democrats. It proves how extreme the Democrat Party has become, whereby Democrats are no longer willing to admit who they are.

Ask yourself why someone would be ashamed of calling themselves a Democrat. It's because they do not want people to know they support the extreme positions of the Party.

I'm not ashamed of calling myself a Conservative because Conservatives have nothing to hide.

We don't support the inhumanities of killing viable babies for any reason.

We don't support illegal immigration.

We are not bleeding heart patsies when allowing possible terrorists into our nation.

We are not trying to force every public school to allow so called Transgender boys into our daughter's bathrooms.

We are not forcing every State to bow to political correctness.

We are not trying to force privately owned businesses to cater things that go against their faith or conscience.

We are not censoring a community's freedom to display or not display a nativity scene on public land.

Yes, Democrats have much to be ashamed for these days and with all good Liberals, lack the character to admit what they support behind those curtains on election day.

But I digress.

Side: Yes