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 If you could date any user on CreateDebate who would it be? (32)

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OddHannah(313) pic

If you could date any user on CreateDebate who would it be?

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1 point

If I could date anyone it would have to be Lizzie or OddHannah because they both are Christians.

1 point

Would you date an atheist and/or agnostic? :P

1 point


1 point

Judas. He is super fly. ;)

Azra. Because we actually do date already.

I think a date with Cartman would be interesting for sure. I'd take him to a delicious vegan restaurant, I'd sure like to see the expression on his face.

Lets all put aside our indifferences and fuck like hippies,

Id fuck you all,its amazing i close my eyes and meditate that we are all being fucked by someone we dont know,wow i just realised that is what happens most days to us all God fearing or not

0 points

Dana (Sitara), she said to Atrag "do you really think you can handle the sexy that is me? ;)", well I think I can. Also I really want to learn about Satanism and after getting close to me she might be willing to open up about it.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

I am not a Satanist. Stop lying. .

Stryker(849) Disputed
0 points

That's your opinion, not fact. >.<