
Debate Info

Trump is GONNA start a WAR Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:7
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 Trump is GONNA start a WAR (1)
 Trump can do no wrong (4)

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excon(18262) pic

If you're president, and you know NOTHING about the world, is FLAILING around good?

Trump is GONNA start a WAR

Side Score: 1

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 4
0 points

I'd likely "flail around" too if my "gut" was constipated one day and had diarrhea the next. He either gets nothing done, (except a few tweets), or his gut spews out a bunch of crap that really stinks! It usually smells good to Putin, though. :-)

Side: Trump is GONNA start a WAR
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Road Island AL has the Special COUNSEL found those Russians that elected Trump ?????

But we can look at the your CONFUSED GOD Obama and have some fun with that!!!!!!!!

This too rich you IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Trump can do no wrong
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Road Island AL now this is Obie at his best !!!!!!!!!!!! LMMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!! man

Obama Calls Navy Corpsman a 'Corpse-man'

At the National Prayer Breakfast Thursday, the commander in chief not only got a sailor's name wrong, but couldn't figure out how to pronounce "corpsman." Yes, he said "corpse-man." Twice.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
1 point

Why are the answers about Trump instead of Obama or Clinton, neither of whom ever had real jobs?

Side: Trump can do no wrong