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 In what way(s) should/can religion be improved? (10)

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atypican(4875) pic

In what way(s) should/can religion be improved?

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I think many modern religions would do well to completely drop their current traditions and doctrines, take a deep breath, and re-examine the texts that they were founded on.

From there, build new traditions and doctrines based on interpretation of the actual texts, rather than inertia. Of course, remaining within the scope of the law and such.

I think Christianity, for example, would be very different (and significantly better!) If it were rebuilt from the ground up and based on the teachings of Jesus, rather than the current state of affairs which is a mashup of numerous old prejudices and traditions (many of which did not even originate from either christianity or judaism!) that are, in effect, generally quite separated from the ideals preached by Jesus.

I also think that Christians, specifically, should throw out every single word ever attributed to Paul of Tarsus, but that's another debate altogether and a very hard sell for many of them.

I think religions would be better, if the believers were more open to the possibility that they're wrong, and other religions or non-religions are right.

But if that were the case religion would disappear real fast. Which would be an improvement so bravo

atypican(4875) Disputed
1 point

It wouldn't disappear, it would change for the better. Can you give a reason why my thinking is unclear on this?

1 point

By recognizing that our aim should be to raise co-truthseekers as opposed to sheepish followers.

2 points

I think people have lost faith in the church because of how they handled things in the past. The best way to get through to people is by radically changing the Church' and constitutional approach; let them realize that it is not the act of going to church which is necessary to profess their faith but being a good listener/ neighbour. The lack of communication nowadays and care about anyone - else is the real problem.

To disappear. .

atypican(4875) Disputed
1 point

Mass suicide ?

1 point

enslave all captive .

Religion should emphasize peace and really do something to end war.