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 Innocent until "PROVEN" guilty. Dems scream Trump's GUILTY til proven innocent! (4)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Innocent until "PROVEN" guilty. Dems scream Trump's GUILTY til proven innocent!

Our justice system is built around the simple concept that every American is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Democrats scream how Trump is not above the law! They are correct! Trump deserves the same protection from our justice system as you and I.

Robert Mueller did not find Trump guilty of collusion or obstruction! Period!

When we are tried in a court of law, the jury pronounces guilt or innocence. They do not get to say... Innocent but well, uhhh, we could not prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt so therefore we had to declare him innocent. There were some extenuating circumstances that made us wonder, but could not prove it. So therefore we will make everyone wonder if he is guilty or innocent his entire life.

NO, THIS IS NOT HOW OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM WORKS. What we are watching is pure politics and the Democrat Party are witch hunters who have convicted Trump regardless the lack of evidence.

It's such hypocrisy watching these phony Democrats screaming about Trump's guilt, when they are the ones who supposedly care so much for the rule of law. Such as the reading of the Miranda right's to criminals, whereby criminals can go free if the system did not follow the rules.

Robert Mueller once again made it public what he said in his report. Nothing has changed. There is no proof of guilt. CASE CLOSED!

FOLLOW THE RULES DEMOCRATS! You are not above the law!
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Our modern Democratic Party has decided they are for Stain's Russia, and for the FBI to act as the KGB to destroy any and all political opposition.

Yes, the Democrat Party is showing you and I exactly why we could never vote for them.

What's best for America never enters their mind. Their politics is ALWAYS about what's best for me and my political future.

1 point

This video explains a lot.

People should be nauseated at what the Democrat Party has done for Trump's entire term.

Despite the witch hunters, Trump has ushered in the greatest economy in history, the lowest unemployment, highest minority employment, etc. etc.

When you vote in 2020, think about how broken this extremist Left wing Democrat Party has become.