
Debate Info

Interested Beeeegots
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Interested (4)
 Beeeegots (4)

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MontysPython(522) pic

1 point

Interested in the opinion of Excon on this

Hello hater:

If you're interested in my views, just ask me.. But, I don't watch videos.. You know why, of course... A video can't debate, and this IS a debate site..

But, let's for a minute consider what would happen if I DID watch your video.. I assume, because you want ME to see it, that it's filled with all kinds of stuff that I disagree with.

So, let's cut to the chase.. I don't agree with ANYTHING the video says..

Debate over.. Now, what fun is that??


Side: Interested
LizardKahn(192) Disputed
1 point

I don't agree with ANYTHING the video says..

That would mean you have denounced the left.

Side: Beeeegots
LizardKahn(192) Disputed
1 point

If you're interested in my views, just ask me..

What are your views on this short video?

Side: Beeeegots
1 point

Excon, that was a classic video. It depicts a "person" wearing rainbow colored sickle & hammer shirt. he starts off crying saying that "transphobia is a disease and there is no cure". He cries more saying MAGA this and MAGA that.

After watching, I am actually curious if that was possibly a conservative that was trolling leftists (like Alex Stein does). Although I do believe it to be authentic, this leftist circus freak was acting so odd that it almost seemed unreal.

Side: Interested
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

It depicts a "person" wearing rainbow colored sickle & hammer shirt.

Hello hater:

I'm not interested in seeing that.. I'll trust your judgment on it.


Side: Beeeegots
LizardKahn(192) Disputed
1 point

I'm not interested in seeing that..

Of course you aren't. It depicts a modern left that in no way resembles the Democratic Party that you depict. If you watched it, you'd have to face the fact that the modern left doesn't resemble the Democratic Party that you describe in your arguments.

Side: Interested
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