
Debate Info

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Debate Score:52
Total Votes:54
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 Yes (21)
 No (21)

Debate Creator

TheEccentric(3381) pic

Is "Hitler" aka Prodigy a stirrer?

He is creating all of these stupid popularity battle debates, is it just to try and cause Drama?


Side Score: 24


Side Score: 28
2 points

I assumed we were all trying to stir drama.

Side: Yes
1 point

No, we are trying to discuss topics, not each other.

Side: Yes
DrawFour(2662) Disputed
1 point

Well what's really the difference? Is it "drama" or just a "run-of-the-mill" debate when we get heated over topics such as religion, bestiality, and or abortion?

Side: No
2 points

Who isn't trying to stir the damn pot? This website gets dried up from time to time. The backbone of Createdebate is built by the trolls.

Side: Yes
Hitler(2364) Banned
1 point

This guy complimented me!

He wins this debate.

It is over!

Side: Yes
Akulakhan(2984) Disputed
1 point

I didn't compliment you. Saying Createdebate's backbone is built on trolls is neither directed toward you, (let alone anyone specific,) nor in itself a compliment. In fact I don't believe we've met. Welcome to Createdebate,

Side: No
Hitler(2364) Banned
1 point

He is stirring your blood in a cannibalistic stew.

Side: Yes

Maybe. I'm not sure if he owns a vehicle or not.

Side: Yes

zYes. I used to do that too, but it got old. .

Side: Yes
Hitler(2364) Disputed Banned
2 points

This isn't about you.

Side: No
1 point

Stop the drama bro. .

Side: Yes
4 points

The drama is caused by the people who participate in his debates. Ignoring them is pretty easy.

Side: No
2 points

It's all fun and games.  

Side: No
Hitler(2364) Banned
1 point

Until the cops come knocking.

Side: No
2 points

Or Andy for that matter.  

Side: No
2 points

No, he is not a stirrer, he is just annoying.

Side: No
1 point

No... Just a little virgin boy


Side: No
Hitler(2364) Clarified Banned
1 point

This isn't about you.

Side: Yes
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Duh... Your name is on the debate. .

Side: Yes
1 point

That was a good argument the first 20 times you used it.

Side: Yes