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Elvira(3441) pic

Is #ISISクソコラグランプリ Appropriate?

Come on people, it's a hashtag. It doesn't need translating, it needs searching!

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1 point

I checked google online translation and understand what you are saying.

As far as I understand it the aim of ISIS is to revert to Islam to before the Prophet died a time when all moslems were united under the one religion and the one leader. However as with all things after the passing of the Prophet, Islam was divided into two sects Sunni and Shia. The world has moved on since the 7th century and it is a much more complex story in the 21st century. However it is my understanding that ISIS wants to create a caliphate that takes Islam back pre sectarianism, back to what they see as the purest form of the Prophet's teaching when he was alive.

A difficult ask and even more so, to attempt it via the violence and brutality of Jihad. Strange though it seems, it would appear to have been possible for them to have created the caliphate they desired without upsetting anyone if they had done so peacefully. I guess that is too hard an expectation coming out of the Iraqi and Syrian conflict

daver(1770) Clarified
1 point

Google detected Japanese for me, translated ( Fucking Kola Grand Prix)

Care to share your results

1 point

Daver, same for me...can someone enlighten us with the translation please?

thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

Remind's me of Ender's Game.....

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point


#ISISクソコラグランプリ is the photoshop mockery that is taking place in response to the ISIL hostage threat by Japanese Citizens.

Supporting Evidence: Twitter #ISISクソコラグランプリ (

I don't want Jihadistan to be carved out of the Middle East, not just because obviously the people there will suffer but because it will be used as a springboard to attack the civilized world and speed up the rate that Europe is slowly but steadily being assimilated into the Islamic world. I don't want to have to live in 'Eurabia'.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point


#ISISクソコラグランプリ is the photoshop mockery that is taking place in response to the ISIL hostage threat by Japanese Citizens.

1 point

I really did feel bad for laughing at these pictures. One one hand you have the very terrible and real situation of two men who are going to die and on the other you have the most ridiculous photoshops that will raise morale and goes directly against the message ISIL wanted to send. They fought fear with humour, and it works.