
Debate Info

Hitler Stalin
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:29
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 Hitler (12)
 Stalin (4)

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Cerin(206) pic

Is Obama Worse Than...

I've been watching Fox News a lot lately (Glen Beck's my hero!), but it's got me confused. It's been suggested Obama's a fascist, but they've also claimed he's a communist.

So which is it?

Is Obama worse than Hitler, or is he the second coming of Stalin?


Side Score: 24


Side Score: 4
7 points

How can anyone compare the President of the United States to Hitler or Stalin? It's insulting to me and my country. Barrack Obama is not a dictator, we have 3 branches of government that work together to create laws and form policy. One man does not control the nation and it's a grave misconception to believe that. There's nothing wrong disagreeing with the policies of the White House, but comparing your president to mass murderers is ludicrous. Hitler didn't go around the world apologizing to other countries for wrong doing. Stalin didn't care if all his citizens received health care regardless of their employment status. Obama has been in office about 9 months and has really got nothing done. How can we say he's like anyone yet? These ridiculous and nonsensical arguments are being created by the media and making a mockery of our great nation and the office of the presidency, no matter who is president. If you're an American, you should be insulted that anyone from this country, not to mention our commander in chief, could ever be compared to anyone like Hitler or Stalin.

Side: This question is an insult to America
4 points

Seriously, i cant believe that you would even post a question like this.

This question is seriously an insult to America. You need to go sit somewhere by yourself and read a history book about Stalin or Hitler, and think about what you just asked. Your completely ignorant just like Fox News and Glenn Beck.

I've been watching Fox News a lot lately (Glen Beck's my hero!)

This is explains it all.

Side: This question is an insult to America
2 points

... Glenn Beck isn't the best source for Obama's politics.

I suggest O'Reilly. He actually tells you what Obama stands for and even has major Obama lovers explain how great he is.

But, Obama supports Third Way economics, like the Fascist did. But, Obama does not believe in totalitarianism (believes in Democracy) or Nationalism (his wife constantly talks shit about America). So he's not a Fascist.

Obama isn't worse than Stalin or Hitler (both are mass murderers). He's not that horrible at all. He does what he finds is best for the country. I disagree with most of his views, but the man is like Bush, a decent guy who's just trying to help us.

There are a lot more reasonable things to attack Obama on than "HE'S A FASCIST, COMMIE BASTARD!!!" It's good for lulz, but as I pointed out in another debate, when you get serious about it, it loses it's merit.

Just how the Bush jokes became overkill (although, it was different in that even the comments on Bush that were JUST jokes got really stupid really fast. Why I admire the creators of South Park who pointed this very thing out).

Side: Hitler
1 point

"But, Obama supports Third Way economics, like the Fascist did."

Could you explain what you mean by this? I don't see the link between Third Way economics/politics and Fascism. According to, ,) it's a centrist philosophy that adopts a mix of right and left-wing policies. Fascists are by definition extremists that tolerate no other political viewpoints.

Side: Hitler
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

Fascism, also from Wikipedia

In the economic sphere, many fascist leaders have claimed to support a "Third Way" in economic policy, which they believed superior to both the rampant individualism of unrestrained capitalism and the severe control of state communism.[10][11] This was to be achieved by establishing significant government control over business and labour (Mussolini called his nation's system "the corporate state")

Just because something is middle ground does not mean it can't be applied by an authoritarian party. Third Way economics does not equate tolerance. It is merely a new form of economics that takes aspects from both socialism and capitalism.

Side: Hitler
1 point

Hitler was a fascist. Fascism supports or is close to capitalism. In our current system we have three social classes, Upper, Middle, and Lower. In a fascist state, there is a great divide between upper and lower class, and there isn't a real middle class. In socialism you have no class division. So seeing as Obama supports capitalism, he is closer to Hitler... but then so was almost every president of the United States.

Hitler enslaved an entire race that was within his grasp and systematically killed them. Obama isn't even close to doing anything like that. Look to Canada and Western Europe, they are more socialist than we are, but they aren't killing millions of people or enslaving society... You people need to chill the fuck out about Obama and let him do the job that we put him there to do.

Side: Hitler

Fascism is characterized by extreme nationalism. Obama has been apologizing to the rest of the world on our behalf. He doesn't sound like a nationalist.

But although he has nationalized certain things, I can't call him a communist either.

Anyway, both of those extremes are just hyperbole. We need a comparison that is not so extreme. I think he's more like the anti-Christ ;)

Side: anti-Christ
1 point

"I think he's more like the anti-Christ"

Good point. Now you're making me wish I had made this debate multiple choice :)

Side: Hitler
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

Fascism was far from supporting Capitalism. It actually bashed Capitalism for it's exploitation of the hard working laborers.

As I stated, Fascism supported Third Way economics. It allowed private property, but the government had EXTREMELY strict regulations over what you can do with that property. It also demands that businesses must treat workers to the best quality (benefits, high wages, decent work hours, etc.) And the economic style of Hitler only allowed German Party Members to start businesses, no one else.

Capitalism is the belief that private property is only under rule of the owner of the property. Modern Capitalism allows sensible regulations (child labor laws and a minimum wage) but no where near to what Fascism was.

Fascism in Europe is really what people in America today call Social Democracy (of course, Fascism was not a Democracy and had many more aspects to it than just its economics).

A Social Democracy is not Capitalism.

Side: Hitler
Cerin(206) Disputed
1 point

I'm not sure I support your generalization of Fascism, especially your equation of it to Social Democracy. Although I agree that the political beliefs behind labels tend to drift over time (just compare a modern Republican to a Lincoln-era Republican), but most political spectrums of Europe put Fascism and Social Democracy at opposite ends of the spectrum. That's a long way to drift.

Supporting Evidence: European Political Spectrum Chart (
Side: Stalin
1 point

Communist? No.

I know that Glenn Beck first stated that he was a socialist, then later on corrected himself and said that he is a fascist.

One of the unique things about Glenn is that he corrects himself. A thing many of his critics lack. He deserves far more credit than he gets.

Where you serious when you said Glenn Beck is your hero? Because that doesn't seem like you.

He's my hero though. ((:

Anyways to be literal Obama is better than both of these men obviously.

Obama has only been compared economically and politically to these men. We all know he's not a mass killer.

Side: Better than both
0 points

Do you agree with Beck that Obama is racist against white-people?

Side: Stalin
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

Give me the actual quote and ask me again. I like to stay in context. `~~~~~~~

Side: Hitler
MisterGuy(1) Disputed
1 point

You've got to be kidding us. No more than a few minutes later, Beck completely contradicted himself and said that he didn't think that Obama hated white people. Beck is a loon, plain & simple.

BTW, one cannot be both a communist, socialist, and a fascist, period end of story.

Side: This question is an insult to America