
Debate Info

Sony Microsoft
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:24
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 Sony (4)
 Microsoft (7)

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kmjnhh123(278) pic

Who is better Sony or Microsoft?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 14
1 point

Sony is better because there products last longer that Microsoft. Microsoft doesn have bluray so when the game L.A Noire game game out Xbox had 4 disc and ps3 had one disc. I don't care that Xbox gets the map packs first. Plus I don't want to pay to play online. Who would want to do that? I really like the TV's they have great quality also the CD players last really long. and also Microsoft only has computer technology and games.

Side: Sony

I like Sony products. Sony has more to offer to me with electronics than Microsoft.

Side: Sony
-2 points
3 points

Microsoft does more stuff that i like mostly the xbox 360 they have more games that i like. The only thing that you can do with a PS3 is just have it and see it and not touch it

Side: Microsoft
kmjnhh123(278) Disputed
1 point

XBOX 360 is shit

Side: Sony
2 points

I would say Microsoft because of its variate.

Side: Microsoft
2 points

I like microsoft overall. Though I need to state the PS3 is a much higher quality machine than the 360, in spite of the 360 having more games as of now.

And I'm more than a little pissed at how much Microsoft charges for what is basically a necessity in this day and age, Microsoft Word (wait people pay for Microsoft word? ... I never said nothing)

Overall though, I like Microsoft.

Side: Microsoft
2 points

i think that since Bill Gates is behind Microsoft, i would agrue that it better than sony

Side: Microsoft
2 points

For me, both companies are constantly rising above them. I do like both because of the variety and quality, but of couse nothing is perfect, so there are defective products.

Microsoft is very strong in computer softwares. Well, of couse. As I am writing this debate, Microsoft is controlling the computer. It allows me to type up essays, reports, and powerpoints as I am currently a high school student. They are compatible to a wide variety of softwares that are necessary for everyday computer use. It enables the antivirus program to run in the background, constantly checking for any malicious files. It allows me to run caching of flash drives for low system memory pcs. It supports the use of a program that checks for any vulnerable programs that require immediate update or removal. It allows me to edit photos, print them out, and put them near the desk.

Windows provides a pretty great option in customizing the themes, colors, effects, and other customizations that fit our needs. The company is also working hard on gaming. The newest gaming console, XBox 360, is very popular among gamers. They entertain many gamers by interacting with others and make them think that they are in the game.

Sony has a wide variety of electronic products. Cameras, cellphones, head/earphones, dvd/blue ray players, lcd tvs, etc... are sold globaly in shops. I enjoy using them very well.

But my parent working in a rival company, I think down at them a little as other companies do to. However, I still equally like them both for quality. Quality is the best. :D

Side: Microsoft

MICROSOFT without a question.

The provide a much wider variety of software and hardware than Sony and they mostly have high quality stuff.

Side: Microsoft