
Debate Info

YeS nO
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 YeS (2)
 nO (3)

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TheThinker(1688) pic

Is Preference In Race Considered Racism?

Lets say a white man is more attracted to white women than black women. Is he racist? Is his attraction racist? 


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 6
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2 points

No it's not racism , we all have preferences .

If a white person marries a black person is it then reverse racism because he didn't marry someone his own skin colour ?

Side: nO

If preferences in race is racism then preference in gender is sexism.

Side: nO
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Perfectly put in form by a socialist that you are. Well done.

Side: YeS
FUNMUN(127) Disputed
2 points

What does being a socialist have to do with this? Her argument made sense and contributed to debate. Having a prefrene of race when it comes to who you are going to have a relationship is not racist, but if you insult someone who is white a dates a black person that is racist.

Side: nO