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Debate Score:13
Total Votes:14
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TheThinker(1688) pic

Is Time Travel Possible?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 8
1 point

Well, if it is maybe you could go back and re-think some of your nuttier arguments from a couple years ago. LOL ;)

Side: yes
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point


Well at least someone laughs at your jokes.

Side: no
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

This is actually an inside joke between me and TheThinker that you would know nothing about.

Side: yes

Nice to see you again and haha i get the inside joke :) How are you? If i can go back in time, there is one thing i would change and that is one of my comments towards your friend. I forgot her name but i think at the time, you two were suppose to get "married." I am putting that in quotes because you two weren't getting married and at the time, i thought you two were. haha. I think one my comments may have pushed her off the site and when i think back on it, i was dead wrong. I apologized to her and i think she responded back politely. How is the new createdebate for you? It seems like we have a lot of new people. xD

lol i remember when your name was Hellno2012 xD

Side: yes
1 point

Technically, since the question is worded simply, the answer is yes.

Based on the theory of special relativity, a person can travel to the future of some inertial rest frame.

You could even claim that the fingertips of a baseball pitcher will be several milliseconds younger than the rest of his body by the end of his career.

For "backwards" time travel, there is no theory to show that it is possible or impossible. Need more mass (anyone?).

Side: yes
1 point

NO Time is not a series of sequentially arranged moments. Rather the present is the only thing that truly exists. Travel to a past moment is not possible because it does still exist. 0 sec ago

Side: no
1 point

No because we exist and live in the present and what is gone is gone and won't come back. we can think back to what happened before but those would just be mere memories.

Side: no
1 point

Time travel is impossible. One cannot go back in time (except by reading history) because that time has passed and no longer exists. One cannot go forward in time because that time has yet to exist. The simplest reason is usually the correct one.

Side: no
1 point

Time does not exist. It's a human concept. That's why relativity theory doesn't work.

Side: no
Grugore(856) Disputed
1 point

Time DOES exist. We have scientific proof of this. Whenever the space shuttle returned from a extended flight, they had to reset the clocks, which were always off by a few seconds. This is because the shuttle actually orbits the Earth fast enough for a mild time dilation effect.

Side: yes
WalterWhite(65) Disputed
1 point

That's a hoax. They did not travel fast and far enough for several seconds of difference.

Side: no

Of course it isn't! Do your research before posting stuff like this! You have been watching too many science fiction movies lately.... :P

Side: no