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Debate Score:6
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Algarus(12) pic

Is suicide as selfish as mainstream idea make it out to be?

A person who takes their own life, is doing with their own body as they wish. Therefore, are not those effected around him inherently selfish because they wanted the person to die with honour, on their terms? Honour being pointless and arbitrary.


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 3
2 points

I don't think honour is the best way to describe it, since this term carries a sense of arbitrariness with it, as you said. It'd be better to say that the person who commits suicide is walking away from their obligations. That's a somewhat more concrete thing, one where you can imagine that others are suffering because of your irresponsibility, unlike "dishonour" which is often a victimless crime.

There are lots of situations where doing with your body as you wish is a selfish act - e.g. I'm only doing what I like with my body when I place myself in the doorway, preventing you from walking past. In most cases there is some degree of selfishness involved - when you're ditching your obligations, or just leaving behind family and friends who you know would grieve for you. (In the latter case your family and friends are also guilty of some selfishness, of wanting their loved one to live regardless of their mental or physical anguish.)

But with all that said, I don't think suicide should be prohibited just because it's usually a selfish act. People should have the right to act selfishly, within reasonable limits.

Side: yes
1 point

Your just utilizing the right to kill yourself. Your not cutting down on any of the selfish thoughts that you decide to give up on and just kill yourself. You don't think of the effect it brings on the family. On the obligations. Any debt that is now unpaid or transferred to the immediate nest head.

Side: yes

Suicide is not as selfish as the mainstream's perception because everyone owns their own body. Nobody else owns it, not the government, parents, nor church.

I am 100% selfish, and I love it. I only care about number uno, but I also care for family. Anyone else, sorry. It doesn't mean that I don't believe in charity. I do. It is great. Charities that I believe in.

Side: No
1 point

Is it not selfish of us to expect a person who is truly suffering, hurting, and done with their existence to "chin up, deal with it and move on"; ignoring the pain they were feeling and focusing only on the pain they brought on people who are typically better suited to handle it?

I'm not condoning suicide. Life gets better, at least usually. But there is a mindset in the suicidal person of pure hopelessness. They just want to exercise their most personal freedom. I consider it sad, but not selfish.

Side: No

It is, to my mind, quite unwise to take an absolute stance on near anything, especially on an act of such desperation as suicide. Certainly, there are cases where one is fleeing one's obligations, but is it not equally selfish to demand that somebody live a life of incessant, inescapable misery and toil?

There are besides melancholy other motives for suicide, such as honour and self-disgust. It is more honourable, in this writer's opinion, to kill oneself than be captured in battle, and morally proper to kill oneself upon breaking certain tenets of The Code (Tenet three, for example: Never kill a child).


Honour is most certainly not pointless, though it is arbitrary. A man without honour is but the picture of a beast, ungoverned by anthing but his lust and temperament.

Side: No